A few days ago I picked up an 867MHz 12" PowerBook. The optical drive is not being recognized by the system. It does not show up in the System Profiler report, there's a disc stuck in the drive (which doesn't eject when I hold down the mouse button on startup), and it makes no noise what-so-ever. It's as if there is absolutely no power to the device.
I'd like to get the groups thoughts on what I should do about this. Options are:
Any other suggestions? It's a nice laptop but it is a little beat up (lowercase frame has bends) so not sure I'd want to put a lot of money into it (especially since the only functional power adapter I have is from my iBook G3 system so I'd likely be looking at the expense of purchase a power adapter too).
What are people's thoughts on how I should proceed?
I'd like to get the groups thoughts on what I should do about this. Options are:
- Do nothing - There is already an OS on the drive (10.3) and the system is usable as is
- Remove the optical drive and inspect - This is a 51 step process according to iFixIt and appears to be a complete disassembly of the entire system.
- Replace the drive - Will the optical drive from a G4 iBook fit / function in this system? I have a non-functional G4 iBook which was included in the purchase of this system.
Any other suggestions? It's a nice laptop but it is a little beat up (lowercase frame has bends) so not sure I'd want to put a lot of money into it (especially since the only functional power adapter I have is from my iBook G3 system so I'd likely be looking at the expense of purchase a power adapter too).
What are people's thoughts on how I should proceed?