Ok, so I'm desperately wanting to leave the Windows world and get myself a Mac. And when I say I'm desperate, I'm DESPERATE. I can't take it any longer, the errors, the slowness, the crashing, OH, THE AG-OH-NEEEEE!!! So I figured the quickest way out is to get myself a PowerMac G4 and upgrade it to the max as I get more money later on. So I had my eye on a $260 PowerMac G4 from GainSaver but I'm kind of skeptic from reading a post on here from 2006 that said that they were a shady company. I've been earning the money for the PowerMac via AdSense and my 30-year old sister might be sending me a $100 Visa card so that's a major plus. So should I keep my sights on the PowerMac G4 from GainSaver or should I turn away and visit another online shop? The more money I have to spend on it, the longer I have to stay in Windows land so keep that in mind. I really need you guys on this one. Any help is appreciated.