Did the 2002 Powermac G4 Quicksilver come with it's internal modem on the motherboard, or was it a PCI card? I've just picked one up from ebay and neither OS9 or OS X 10.4 show that there's an internal modem. On OS X, the System Profiler when you select Modems it just shows None, and in OS9 in the Modems Control Panel beside 'Connect via' it shows '<no serial device>' (I think that was the wording, I'm not sitting in front of it right now).
I'm wondering if it should have been a PCI card and it was taken out? If it's on the motherboard, where should I start looking to get it working?
I'm wondering if it should have been a PCI card and it was taken out? If it's on the motherboard, where should I start looking to get it working?