Hey everyone, found this site and decided to post here as posting on apples forums will get me the whole upgrade your mac rather than fix the issue. I got news for them I also have a intel macbook pro and cant stand the yosemite piece of **** on it. Anywho away from my rant and to the question, I have a imac g4 17" 800mhz system... used one firewire drive with a dmg of os 10.5 leopard and installed to another firewire drive. Installed fine but didnt show the drive in the boot menu as bootable. I started trouble shooting and decided since I have a backup of the dmg on my laptop I would carbon copy clone the new install over to the drive I knew was working and booted installer from. Then went to boot menu and sure enough the drive that I was using for installer that now had the clone of the drive I installed on was recognized and booted os leopard 10.5 just fine and I am using right now. Anyone know why one drive works for booting and not the other? Also both did have Apple format used for powerpc's.
My thoughts in order from greatest to least probable...
1. Western Digital Smarware Software Crap that there even after reformat
2. Maybe its because the drive that doesnt boot is going firewire 800 to 400?
3. Drivers for Western Digital?
Any help would be great as I just am fresh out of ideas...
My thoughts in order from greatest to least probable...
1. Western Digital Smarware Software Crap that there even after reformat
2. Maybe its because the drive that doesnt boot is going firewire 800 to 400?
3. Drivers for Western Digital?
Any help would be great as I just am fresh out of ideas...