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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 13, 2008
iMac 5K 2015/16 model on 10.12 Sierra, had to do a PRAM reset. I turn on the Mac, hear the chime, hold command option PR, it will restart then I will hear a faint start up chime and it will boot into Recovery Partition.

any ideas on how to fix this? this was a clean upgrade to Sierra (El Capitan was a clean install then upgraded to Sierra).
I'm too lazy to boot into Recovery and find the actual option, but one of the menus will let you access the Startup Disk preferences. Choose your regular partition and reboot and that should fix it.

If you can't find it then another option is to reboot and hold Option at the chime, select your normal partition there, boot up, and then go to System Preferences/Startup Disk and choose the partition.
Start up disk has always and is the Macintosh HD / macOS HD........a normal restart always goes to the main Macintosh HD.

But if i hold down PRAM it always goes to recovery.
Just for reference, and those interested in more infor about PRAM and NVRAM resets, the steps, etc.

I know cmd+r pushes your startup to recovery mode, I guess the 'r' from cmd +p +r recognizes the r and ends up there.
I haven't read any info about this going to normal mode or recovery mode when you reset pram. If someone has documentation on this for me, I am greatly interested.
no issues on the MacBooks i've tried it on. but there was some issues with the internal sound after using a pair of bluetooth headphones where the audio was low and the PRAM would reset it.

a normal restart or shutdown/power up goes right to macintosh hd/boot disk. kind of odd.
tried SMC and new keyboard, I'm wondering if its the version of Sierra, it is the first available public release and noticed they changed the version in the App Store compared to the one I had installed.
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