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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
I need to name the files for a premiere project so that I know what I am looking for. What is the best way to go about this? adobe bridge or with in premiere?

btw, I am not refering to batch renaming. I want to name video files so that I know what is in them.
Nov 28, 2010
You can use Finder to rename files via clicking on the file, pressing ENTER, giving it a new name, pressing ENTER again, then pressing ArrowDown to select the next file.
Rinse and repeat.

Or you use Premiere Pro to rename the files, by selecting the first file, pressing ENTER, renaming it, pressing ENTER again to confirm the name and automatically going down one file and making it ready for a new name.
Rinse and repeat.

Or are those methods not to your satisfaction?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008

I need to be able to see the file while renaming so I know what to name it.

To make matters worse, I have to be able to do it on mac and PC.
Nov 28, 2010
What about this then:
In Premiere Pro open the clip in the preview monitor to view and scrub through it, and then rename it.
Or use Finder and QuickLook to do the same.

I don't know of any other way though, and I used the first method in Avid for years, like making a shotlist and naming the files and then moving it to the appropriate bins.



macrumors 68020
Jun 26, 2002
if you start off with a mess then it becomes a pain to deal with.
I work with R3D and cant rename them most of the time.
the only fix is to tag them with something that is easy to understand.
this has become an issue with current workflow for everyone.
back in the day of analog/digital acquisition, you would carefully spend the time to name your batch import piece by piece.
these days your at mercy of the SD/XDCAM/REDMAG/blah blah blah media cards :p


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008
if you start off with a mess then it becomes a pain to deal with.
I work with R3D and cant rename them most of the time.
the only fix is to tag them with something that is easy to understand.
this has become an issue with current workflow for everyone.
back in the day of analog/digital acquisition, you would carefully spend the time to name your batch import piece by piece.
these days your at mercy of the SD/XDCAM/REDMAG/blah blah blah media cards :p

so true!

But it's odd that it is so hard to ask for something that should be so easy.

In premiere, it's SO CLOSE to being right with the ability to press enter and move to the next clip. I JUST WANT THAT THUMBNAIL TO BE BIGGER.

I am going to play around in bridge today to see what I can do.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 26, 2008

Silly me.

If you adjust the thumbnail size OR preview size in Bridge so that you can see what the video clip is, you can the TAB your way thru the files to rename them.

This way, when I import them into premiere, they already have the names with them and I can get to work faster.

I use bridge, because I can still scrub through the video files in the preview window.


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2016
Hi :),
I was wondering if there was a better way of doing this now? I'm new to any kind of data wrangling/ editing and I'm working with r3d files. Is there a way to batch rename? Is that even a good idea? What is the best way of setting up Premiere Pro so the editor can go in and begin creatively editing and avoid all the tedious stuff. I hope that makes sense. Thanks!
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