So my phone is on my wife’s business account and the last phone I got on launch day was the 6 plus. To do this I waited in line at a local ATT store because, being on a business account, it created issues with billing when pre ordering.
To my point....
Has anyone pre ordered when the ATT store opens and gotten it on launch day? I realize that they wouldn’t get my order in until around 7 or so hours after the Apple store offered it for sale. I’m wondering if Apple sets a certain number aside for each carrier or they all come from the same stock when pre ordering.
To my point....
Has anyone pre ordered when the ATT store opens and gotten it on launch day? I realize that they wouldn’t get my order in until around 7 or so hours after the Apple store offered it for sale. I’m wondering if Apple sets a certain number aside for each carrier or they all come from the same stock when pre ordering.