Definitely can as tobefirst linked you to the right info. You could even run the presentation itself from your iPhone. I used to do this years ago when using an Apple TV. Airplayed Keynote to the Apple TV and controlled everything from the iPhone. File was all setup in Mac OS and transferred to the phone. Worked really well.
I tried it, and i must say that some issues did appear.
I got a few blank white slides and there was a strange delay when playing the slides, they would not appear instantly
I tried it, and i must say that some issues did appear.
I got a few blank white slides and there was a strange delay when playing the slides, they would not appear instantly
I can't imagine Keynote on the iPhone or the keynote remote app would add blank white slides, that would completely make it unusable if you never knew what it was going to add to a presentation. I could see the delay as a network thing, though I have never experienced it.