So I just bought a set of Presonus Eris 4.5 speakers and am really impressed with how they sound. I have them hooked up to a 3/1 Macpro though so I am wondering if adding an Audiobox or similar would improve the sound quality further, or would it be negligible? No recording at this stage, possibly later though.
I am a newbie to this field but I assume the Audiobox and similar equates to an external sound card?
So I just bought a set of Presonus Eris 4.5 speakers and am really impressed with how they sound. I have them hooked up to a 3/1 Macpro though so I am wondering if adding an Audiobox or similar would improve the sound quality further, or would it be negligible? No recording at this stage, possibly later though.
I am a newbie to this field but I assume the Audiobox and similar equates to an external sound card?