The HomePod has been dropping in price nearly 50%; does this mean a refresh is imminent?
The HomePod has been dropping in price nearly 50%; does this mean a refresh is imminent?
Like everything Apple, if they don’t see high sales from a product on day one then they put it on the back burner. Great designers but zero grit. Home audio is definitely not going to be their focus. They’ll either make a slightly modified version of the existing HomePod at the same price just to keep something in the market or they’ll make a smaller and cheaper version to better compete with Alexa devices. Apple has yet to really commit to Siri, much less home audio.
AppleTV is the poster child of Apple’s refusal to put effort into any market that doesn’t come easy. But their solution is to transform the product into software and license it to manufacturers.
Apple should abandon Apple TV (the hockey puck) and embrace Apple TV (the flat panel display) in 55", 65", and 75" sizes. The TV can have the center channel speaker integrated. HomePod's of some sort for fronts and rears. Apple TV UI and all the app goodness. Finally make it easy for all to buy an all-in-one home theater solution as a way to drive content on Apple TV+
It's 10-13 years since most upgraded to HDTV's and most haven't upgraded to 4K. It's still as confusing as ever for the average consumer to set up a decent home theater. The market is ripe and Apple needs to do something to maximize streaming video the way they have streaming audio.
Like everything Apple, if they don’t see high sales from a product on day one then they put it on minimal life support. Great designers but zero grit.
Why anyone would think abandoning the AppleTV hardware is a good idea is just hilarious. It’s a profit center, costs them little to build and yet makes them money every month.
And there is zero chance they will ever give it up just to make tvs. They’d lose millions of dollars on that.
AppleTV isn’t going anywhere soon. It has something that the TV’s Built in apps don’t. Apple Arcade... amongst other things.
To be honest, I’d love to see an all in one home entertainment system by Apple that will receive software support for the next 5+ years with everything ATV currently offers and then some. I’m fully immersed in the ecosystem as it is and the more in house products they make, the better. It’s not a perfect ecosystem (bugs, glitches, etc), but it is leaps and bounds better than than the other guys.It's a cool product, I have no grudge (except the remote). Just speculating that Apple needs to do something a bit different to keep things exciting and fresh. Platforms and software are nice, but we need a good ol' kick in the face piece of hardware to get us all pumped up and buying again.
And once you go through desktop, notebook, internet, audio, telephony, photography, gaming, IOT, car stereo.....they're running out of space to grow, at least grow dramatically. The TV is the glaring omission. Better put, the living room is the glaring omission. And I think with their expertise in screens of all shapes and sizes over the years they're uniquely positioned to take over the one area of the CE experience they haven't mastered.
Give me a 65" 4K TV with a magically integrated in-cabinet soundbar plus 4 or 6 TheaterPods and it brings together all the pieces. Home Theater done the Apple way. More powerful, easier to use. Siri for everything. Minutes to set up.
I guess you weren't an Aperture user.I gotta chime in as a former Microsoft guy (windows phone, PC, outlook, office, etc). You haven’t seen abandonware until youve bought into Microsoft ecosystem. So many ideas platforms hardware etc abandoned on a whim. They’ll introduce or buy out a product or service, shuffle things around needlessly, complicate things, ruin it, and then shut it down saying it wasn’t viable. I saw it so many times, when I came to Apple trust me they definitely stick with a product. When they release something they RELEASE it. And support it
I guess you weren't an Aperture user.