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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 15, 2009
So I recently got an Apple IIe, along with a monitor, 2 floppy disk drives, and an old Turbo Mouse. I've completely refurbished it, and it works perfectly fine (haven't tested the floppy disk drives, but the lights come up).

Anyways, I have no practical use for it (originally assumed it was command line), so I was hoping to sell it. How much should I be able to get for the set of all of this? I saw one go for almost $2000, another $1500, and the majority for about $500 as starting prices. So I'm not going to assume anything for it.
Best place to see what the market bares is on eBay.

I collect Apple II computers. I have eight of them. I have never paid more than $150.00 for any except the II+ and IIe I bought new back in the day. Just go to eBay and search for "Apple IIe Computer" and you will see the present prices. Usually the shipping matches or exceeds the computer cost.

I have no practical use for it (originally assumed it was command line)

What exactly do you mean by this? Apple II's would certainly be called command line. They have both Applesoft BASIC and 6502 assembly built in.

As for prices, it depends on how good condition it is in, how many peripheral cards are included. On Craigslist, you might have to pay someone to get rid of it. On eBay, land of the price gougers, you would can shoot for the sky. One guy has an albeit exceptional Apple ][ asking $800 and only $550 shipping :D

I think anything over $200 is probably too high to get interest but from browsing what is currently for sale, it certainly looks like sellers are scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality systems.
I got my original //e, monitor, mouse, two Disk][, and original cables, owners manual, and all the software that came with it for 80 bucks on ebay. There was a guy who was selling like 30 of them, not sure if he's still in business. With shipping it came to about 130.
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