For some reason 1 of my 2 Pro Display XDR's fans are stuck at full blast, and no matter what I do it doesn't seem to change it. Any ideas, or should this one be exchanged?
You can try and compare the DisplayDiagnose command between the two displays to see if something stands out. /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/MacOS/DisplayDiagnose -a > DisplayDiagnose.txt 2>&1
Thanks @joevt - exchange it is. Didn't see anything from my eyes that I could see was different between the two in the diagnostics (most of it didn't mean much to me anyhow! haha)
Thanks @joevt - exchange it is. Didn't see anything from my eyes that I could see was different between the two in the diagnostics (most of it didn't mean much to me anyhow! haha)
I thought maybe there could be a temperature difference in some of the sensors (each LED has it's own temperature?) to explain why the fan is always on.
It would have been interesting if it could detect a problem, but there's probably nothing you could do about it.