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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2014
Seeking advice. All the documents I have written in Pages have appeared as Icon Named Documents on my Screen Saver. How can I remove them?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2014
Thank you, Martin Apple, for reading and taking the time to respond to my thread. I want to remove the enumerated saved documents on Pages from appearing on my screen.
When I turn on my iMac, my Desk Top "Golden Palace" image comes on the screen. Then the dock comes on. And then, the screen of the "Golden Palace" fills up with every document I have written and saved on Pages. I mistakenly said that they were icons. They are actually individual pictures of a sheet of paper. The left corner of the sheet of paper is somewhat rolled up. There are unreadable typed lines and on the bottom of each sheet of paper is written in upper case "PAGES". Underneath the picture appears the name of each document I saved such a "Ltr to .." These pictures virtually cover up my entire screen of the "Golden Palace".
I am hoping that someone knows how I can remove these pictures from my screen.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2014
You hit the nail on the head. BLAM! BULL'S-EYE! I went and checked my Pages and that is exactly what I have been doing. All my documents written in 2011 have been saved in "Documents". To my chagrin the rest of the things I have saved since 2012 have been saved in "Desk Top".
Well I have to admit that aside from the personal embarrassment you have solved this problem. Thanks. If you hadn't identified what I was doing incorrectly I would have kept on saving documents on "Desk Top". And to think initially after reading your thread I thought to myself.. Of course not, I'm not saving my documents in "Desk Top"... only to find myself busted and red face. Eh... things happen. Hugh mistake on my part. I have a lot of saved documents that I am going to have to delete from "Desk Top" and re-save in folders in "Documents". Thanks again for identifying the problem.


macrumors 68040
Dec 1, 2006
Cedar Rapids, IA. USA
You hit the nail on the head. BLAM! BULL'S-EYE! I went and checked my Pages and that is exactly what I have been doing. All my documents written in 2011 have been saved in "Documents". To my chagrin the rest of the things I have saved since 2012 have been saved in "Desk Top".
Well I have to admit that aside from the personal embarrassment you have solved this problem. Thanks. If you hadn't identified what I was doing incorrectly I would have kept on saving documents on "Desk Top". And to think initially after reading your thread I thought to myself.. Of course not, I'm not saving my documents in "Desk Top"... only to find myself busted and red face. Eh... things happen. Hugh mistake on my part. I have a lot of saved documents that I am going to have to delete from "Desk Top" and re-save in folders in "Documents". Thanks again for identifying the problem.

Why don't you simply move all of them in one sweep .... very quick.

If you need to sort them into folders, that can also be easily done by simply moving them ... not loading and re-saving them in Pages.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2014

Whooa you just saved me a helluva lot of time. I wasn't aware that you could simply move them. I really wasn't looking forward to removing them the way I was planning to inasmuch I knew that it would have been unduly time-consuming. Thanks ever so much for the advice. I will attack it tomorrow after the Portuguese USA match. Peace.
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