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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 12, 2016
hello,i have a problem with card matching game,this is the button click method and i need a 0.5 second delay in the exact part.i use [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5] but it works wrong.It should turn both cards and after 0.5 sec if they are not the same it should turn back.And i can't use methods with selectors because they can't take any arguments.

- (IBAction)ClickedButtons: (id)sender



    NSInteger index = [self.cardButtonsindexOfObject:sender];

    Card* card = cards[index];

    [sender setBackgroundColor:[UIColorwhiteColor]];

    [sender setTitle:[NSStringstringWithFormat: @"%@%@",card.rank,card.suit] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

    if(count > 1 && lastSender != sender)


        count = 0;

        if([card.rankisEqualToString:lastRank] && [card.suitisEqualToString:lastSuit])


            UIButton *theButton = (UIButton *)sender;

            UIButton *theLastButton = (UIButton *)lastSender;

            theButton.enabled = NO;

            theLastButton.enabled = NO;


            if(countForWin == 8)


                UIAlertView *win = [[UIAlertViewalloc] initWithTitle: @"Congratulations"message: @"You Won"delegate:selfcancelButtonTitle: @"Ok"otherButtonTitles: nil];

                [win show];





            [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.5] ;

            [sender setBackgroundColor:[UIColorgrayColor]];


            [sender setTitle:[NSStringstringWithFormat: @""] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

            [lastSendersetTitle:[NSStringstringWithFormat: @""] forState:UIControlStateNormal];



    elseif(count > 1 && lastSender == sender)


        flag = !flag;



            [sender setBackgroundColor:[UIColorgrayColor]];

            [sender setTitle:[NSStringstringWithFormat: @""] forState:UIControlStateNormal];




            [sender setBackgroundColor:[UIColorwhiteColor]];

            [sender setTitle:[NSStringstringWithFormat: @"%@%@",card.rank,card.suit] forState:UIControlStateNormal];



    lastSender = sender;

    lastRank = card.rank;

    lastSuit = card.suit;

Last edited by a moderator:
You shouldn't be pausing on the main thread. You should use dispatch_queue_create() and sleep in a background thread, then pop back on to the main thread when you are ready.
NSTimer needs selector for that but in my case i can't use any selectors
[doublepost=1463083104][/doublepost]Can you show me an example please?
You can and should use a selector. You have to learn how to save any arguments you need somewhere, use an NSTimer for the delay, then pick up where you left off in the selector method (including recovering any needed arguments and/or model/state variables you need to continue).

A lot of beginners seem to have no clue how to save and restore the variables needed to exit a method and then continue where you left off later (hint: properties, dictionaries, model objects, global variables, and/or databases, etc.). This is a basic coding skill required to do event driven OOP.
    float seconds = 0.5;
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(seconds * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        // This block will be executed after a delay
But be careful. The code after or around a dispatch_after call will usually execute before the code inside the dispatch_after block (including loop repeat constructs). To make it (or a timer call) a pseudo-sequential construct, you have to follow it by immediately exiting the current method (without any looping back).
You might want to look at the animation functions in UIView that use blocks. Some can have a delay before starting the animation of flipping the card, and then in the completion handler you could flip them back or whatever.
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