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macrumors newbie
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Apr 23, 2015
Every hour, the Apple Watch tell me to stand up. Sometimes I'm already up and it doesn't recognize it. Even when I sit then I stand for a few minutes, the app doesn't validate it .
Do you have this problem too?
Yep. I've had to take to stretches and a bit of exaggerated motion to get it to realize I'm up.
im not kidding... it told me to stand up mid-poo.

the health and safety implications are mind-blowing :)
It told me to stand up at 12 midnight when I was in bed. I think it's just programmed to say it every hour regardless of the time.
This could be bad if you were in a wheelchair! The Apple watch will mock you hourly !
Yes, it is confusing. It looks like you can be standing for 55 minutes sit down for 5 minutes. Then if Stand Up goes off while you are sitting and you don't get up you are counted as not standing for the hour.:confused:
Yes, I've found that it doesn't always recognise that I've stood up after it's reminded me to, even if I'm up and about for a few minutes. Irritating.
Interesting. I haven't seen this behavior. Stood for about 90 minutes at a soccer game yesterday, and it registered the time as expected. No notification during the first hour, or even at the end of the second hour when I was sitting again.

In fact it seems to be pretty accurate here, only notifying when I've actually been sitting for an hour.
Interesting. I haven't seen this behavior. Stood for about 90 minutes at a soccer game yesterday, and it registered the time as expected. No notification during the first hour, or even at the end of the second hour when I was sitting again.

In fact it seems to be pretty accurate here, only notifying when I've actually been sitting for an hour.
And as I've been sitting down all morning, I'm banged to rights so to speak # I can't complain about its constant nagging this morning#
I'm also finding Stand not to work very well. It will tell me to stand when I'm already standing. I'll keep it on for tomorrow when I'm at work and will be on my feet all day and if it's still glitchy I think I'll just turn it off after that.
My favorite is when it said I should stand up while I was driving. I expected it to be smart enough to know I was moving fast (it was paired with iPhone so had access to a gps) and not suggest at that time.
Do you all think it becomes more accurate as it learns your cadence and whatnot?

What I've realized is I'm moving more than most folks apparently. I've never gotten to the point where it reminded me. I missed one hour when I was at the movies, but I had do not disturb on.

So far, I'm in love with this watch. Way more than I thought I would be.
It told me to stand up at 12 midnight when I was in bed. I think it's just programmed to say it every hour regardless of the time.

Are you wearing the watch to bed? Maybe since Apple recommends that you charge it overnight it's assuming if you are still wearing it you haven't gone to bed for the night yet.

I haven't had it happen at night because it's been on the charger. It's happened a few inconvenient time like when I was driving which obviously I can't do and when I was in the movie theatre yesterday.
Are you wearing the watch to bed? Maybe since Apple recommends that you charge it overnight it's assuming if you are still wearing it you haven't gone to bed for the night yet.

I haven't had it happen at night because it's been on the charger. It's happened a few inconvenient time like when I was driving which obviously I can't do and when I was in the movie theatre yesterday.

No I take it off just before I go to sleep and put it on my night stand. I was just getting ready to go to sleep and it told me to stand up :D
I turned everything off.

The app is not ready for prime time, the "Stand Up" is deeply flawed.

Otherwise, loving the AW. Bought it as a time keeper and for the notifications. That works well.

If I bought it for Activities, I would be quite upset.
But the real question is did you listen to watch or tell it to silence itself until you were finished? :)

Well it was quite a surprise :)

Im not exactly one of those who hangs about on the job so to speak. In.. and out ASAP - none of this reading a magazine malarky.
My favorite is when it said I should stand up while I was driving. I expected it to be smart enough to know I was moving fast (it was paired with iPhone so had access to a gps) and not suggest at that time.

Pull over... Duh!
I honestly think they named this incorrectly.

It's not just a matter of standing up, it requires movement.

It says "Move around for a minute" not just stand up for a minute.

Treat it as a "Hey you should probably go for a little wander for a minute" reminder once an hour.

When you walk around it eventually pops up "You've completed the minute for this hour" or something to that extent.
I stand up all day at work. And it will prompt me to stand when I'm already standing. Not all the time, but maybe 2-3 times during the work day. Wish it would accurately log my hours in for the standing, it would fill my circle every time!
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