Hello, I have a 13" Mid 2013 MBA base model on OSX 10.8.5 that seems to be acting up every time i use safari (rainbow beach ball). It'll pop up every minute or so while i'm using safari and freezes if i play a game on Facebook. While typing this thread there's a slight delay where i'll type the words, but they wont appear until a second later. I have no extensions installed on safari. I've closed all my apps and only have 3 or 4 tabs open. The laptop isn't hot underneath, so it can't be a heat issue. Could the integrated GPU (HD 5000) be the issue in that it isn't powerful enough for heavy flash/shockwave website?
Hi Steven, we can try run a few quick tests to identify that the issue isn't hardware or software related. At least that'll offer peace-of-mind and by troubleshooting what
isn't wrong, it'll give us a better idea of what is wrong, so we know what to look for.
Please could you review the steps below and stop if either of these steps identify a problem?
1) Check SSD SMART Data. This will check for corruptions on the SSD. You can download and run SMART Utility here:
http://cloudfront.volitans-software.com/smartutility314.zip If there's anything other than 'Passed' is displayed, the SSD is corrupted.
2) Verify your volume. To do this, open Disk Utility (search for it in Spotlight, or go to Applications>Utilities>Disk Utility). Then single-click your volume (typically called Macintosh HD) to highlight it, and then click the 'Verify Disk' option along the right-hand side. If it comes up with red writing, we'll need to repair the disk.
3) Restart your MacBook Air, with the option 'Reopen windows when logging back in'
disabled. This means that if there's a background software conflict or memory leak causing the problem, it won't come back up.
4) Check for software updates for your OS (Apple menu>Software Update on Mavericks or earlier, or Apple menu>App Store on Yosemite). There may be an update for Safari.
Please let me know (quote this so I'm notified) once you've had an opportunity to try the above troubleshooting steps. If no problems are detected or the steps don't fix the issue, we can try a few more things such as clearing the Safari cache. I'm sure other posters have some more ideas too.
Speak soon!