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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe

I am having two issues since I recently updated my iPad Pro from iPadOS 14.4.2 to iPadOS 15.3 related to the Discord app.

First of all, apparently the enter physical button no longer sends the message in Discord. For years I’ve been typing and sending the messages just hitting the physical enter button, but now it just makes a line jump (WTF). Is it just me? if anyone here uses the smartkeyboard folio or an external keyboard could you just try it? Does enter send the message in your case? Any wat to bring that feature back?

Now, in the second place, there has been a weird glich with the keyboard suggestions bar and Discord on the iPad. If the bar is not compacted into the bubble, Discord will show a blank space and the messages from the chat will hide in the upper part of the window. Super weird.

I’m really pissed off because I use Discord a lot, and especially from my iPad. And now having this bugs is making my experience way worse, because on iPadOS 14 everything worked so flawlessly…

Thank you, even if you don’t have a fix, it would mean a lot if you shared your experience with Discord on iPadOS 15 and and a physical keyboard, just to know if it’s just me. Thank you.
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I'm having the same issue. Return/Enter on both my iPad keyboard covers no longer sends msg in Discord App.
I tried every key combination, only option now is to tap send on the screen every time.

Anyone know how to fix this?

When using Discord via browser (, Enter key correctly sends messages.
Enter/Send issue is only in apps.
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The issue with Discord showing a blank space can be addressed by going to Settings -> General -> Keyboard and disabling both Shortcuts and Predictive.

I’m also running into the issue where the return key doesn’t send messages, but judging from some posts I’ve seen online it seems like it may not have functioned this way in the past. If you are certain it behaved this way previously, it may be a newly introduced bug. I got my Magic Keyboard yesterday, so I can’t speak to how it was in the past.
For me sometimes the return key sends messages, sometimes it just makes a new line. And yes the blank screen bug is pretty old, don't think Discord would even try to fix that lol
The issue with Discord showing a blank space can be addressed by going to Settings -> General -> Keyboard and disabling both Shortcuts and Predictive.

I’m also running into the issue where the return key doesn’t send messages, but judging from some posts I’ve seen online it seems like it may not have functioned this way in the past. If you are certain it behaved this way previously, it may be a newly introduced bug. I got my Magic Keyboard yesterday, so I can’t speak to how it was in the past.
First, of course I’m certain of it. The Enter button worked differently in the past. I’ve been using Discord on the iPad since 2018 and I’ve always used the Intro key to send the message after writing it, just like in any other app. They have changed it, and it’s not a welcome change.

Second, no, I am not willing to disable a system feature just because Discord doesn’t want/know how to code their app for iPad. Also, the bug still happens if you collapse the predictive toolbar, it happens less often, but hit still happens every now and then with the collapsed bar.
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For me sometimes the return key sends messages, sometimes it just makes a new line. And yes the blank screen bug is pretty old, don't think Discord would even try to fix that lol
It’s not old, with iPadOS 14 Discord worked perfectly fine. It was introduced with the new iPadOS 15 predictive bar, which changed on iPadOS 15.

Anyways, the bug has been reported to Discord and they have asked me for details and even a video recording of the problem. I have sent them a detailed explanation on how to replicate it and several screen recordings. Hopefully they will fix it soon.

I am having two issues since I recently updated my iPad Pro from iPadOS 14.4.2 to iPadOS 15.3 related to the Discord app.

First of all, apparently the enter physical button no longer sends the message in Discord. For years I’ve been typing and sending the messages just hitting the physical enter button, but now it just makes a line jump (WTF). Is it just me? if anyone here uses the smartkeyboard folio or an external keyboard could you just try it? Does enter send the message in your case? Any wat to bring that feature back?

Now, in the second place, there has been a weird glich with the keyboard suggestions bar and Discord on the iPad. If the bar is not compacted into the bubble, Discord will show a blank space and the messages from the chat will hide in the upper part of the window. Super weird.

I’m really pissed off because I use Discord a lot, and especially from my iPad. And now having this bugs is making my experience way worse, because on iPadOS 14 everything worked so flawlessly…

Thank you, even if you don’t have a fix, it would mean a lot if you shared your experience with Discord on iPadOS 15 and and a physical keyboard, just to know if it’s just me. Thank you.
im having the same problem as you, instead of sending my message it just makes a new line, i dont know how to fix this, i have a ipad pro 4th gen updated to offical ipadOS 15.3, my discord is fully updated, i dont wanna disable system stuff because my ipad really matters to me,
if someone can, please actually somehow give me some way to fix this since i dont know how to. thank you.

I have an update. After spending a whole hour writing up a detailed feedback, repeating what I already explained on the formulary, answering the questions, recording videos of the bug, and just in case, stating at the end of the email that I already tried to delete and redownload the app, turning off and on the iPad, and all the yada-yada we already know, I receive a (automatic?) reply asking me if I have tried to delete and re-download the app and turning off and on.

Instead of helping me deliver my feedback to the Discord team, they are asking me dumb questions that I’ve already explained in the main feedback email.

I assure you that I’m pretty pissed of, because I see my feedback is not reaching the developers and it’s very frustrating.

Obviously I’ve replied that if I’m getting one more automated response I will find other ways of reaching them.
I created an account on this forum specifically for this reason. I have an iPad 7th gen and I’m using a Logitech K380 keyboard via Bluetooth. I’ve been using this combo for about 2 months. I got the keyboard specifically for use with discord, and hitting enter to send a message has always worked, without fail… until tonight. I had been using It earlier this evening just fine, and then about 2 hours ago it just stopped working and started going to the next line. I’ve updated my ipad, I’ve restarted both the app and the ipad. I’ve changed some settings for the keyboard that I found in other places on line, and NOTHING is working. I used Discord a lot and this is a huge inconvenience, lol.

Following this for any additional updates!
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THANK GOD I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. I have been going mentally insane on how unbearable this bug has been since 15.3 update I WANT TO GO BACK. Just today the enter key stopped being used as it’s proper use on discord and I have been dealing with the message loading all the way to the top for weeks now. I am glad I am not the only one and it truly sucks how discord is doing **** fix it for us, iPad users. I just hope it is something either discord fixes or Apple because my ipad and discord have been ways I have been communicating with my friends the past four years and I don’t want any of that to change just because of a stupid bug
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This is my update: Jessica, the first support member that received my log, replied one last time, with apologies for the misunderstanding. She said she has sent the bug report to the team for the review, but it will take time… I don’t fully believe her… I hope it’s true. Anyways, I will send the report again, this time in english, in a few weeks if this hasn’t been solved.

I created an account on this forum specifically for this reason. I have an iPad 7th gen and I’m using a Logitech K380 keyboard via Bluetooth. I’ve been using this combo for about 2 months. I got the keyboard specifically for use with discord, and hitting enter to send a message has always worked, without fail… until tonight. I had been using It earlier this evening just fine, and then about 2 hours ago it just stopped working and started going to the next line. I’ve updated my ipad, I’ve restarted both the app and the ipad. I’ve changed some settings for the keyboard that I found in other places on line, and NOTHING is working. I used Discord a lot and this is a huge inconvenience, lol.

Following this for any additional updates!

Well, first of all, welcome to MacRumors forums. This is a lovely place with an overall respectful community (with some exceptions but they get punished by the mods), with threads dedicated to photos, discussing the latest Apple Silicon designs, and iOS/macOS stability and bugs. You can even share your favorite TV show and movies on certain subforum!

I recommend you to send a report to Discord support too, first go to this webpage:

There, you’ll find an hyperlink, under “How can I help”, under the green box, you’ll read the following: “If you prefer to submit bugs to Discord support instead you can submit a ticket to the Bug form or check the Discord Bug Board to see if it's already known”.

Click on the “Bug Form“ link and it will guide you through the form to report the bug. Remember to describe accurately the bug, but don’t write too much, remember there are different boxes to fulfill, such as “steps to replicate the issue”, “expected result”, “actual result (bug)”, etc.

Be sure to specifically say you’re experiencing this with an external keyboard connected, with the on-screen virtual keyboard hidden. This may sound obvious for us, but on Discord they aren’t probably detecting this bug because they aren’t using iPads with external keyboards attached.

You could fulfill a second form for the Enter key, but honestly I would say the previous bug breaks the app on the iPad, I would start with the first bug. Anyways, be sure to report them separately, you cannot fulfill a bug form for the Enter button and mix it with the bad behavior with the Predictive toolbar, they are two different bugs.

THANK GOD I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. I have been going mentally insane on how unbearable this bug has been since 15.3 update I WANT TO GO BACK. Just today the enter key stopped being used as it’s proper use on discord and I have been dealing with the message loading all the way to the top for weeks now. I am glad I am not the only one and it truly sucks how discord is doing **** fix it for us, iPad users. I just hope it is something either discord fixes or Apple because my ipad and discord have been ways I have been communicating with my friends the past four years and I don’t want any of that to change just because of a stupid bug

OK, listen, you can do the same as I did, you can report the bug through the bug form you’ll find here:

There, you’ll find an hyperlink, under “How can I help”, under the green box, you’ll read the following: “If you prefer to submit bugs to Discord support instead you can submit a ticket to the Bug form or check the Discord Bug Board to see if it's already known”.

Click on the “Bug Form“ link and it will guide you through the form to report the bug. Remember to describe accurately the bug, but don’t write too much, remember there are different boxes to fulfill, such as “steps to replicate the issue”, “expected result”, “actual result (bug)”, etc.

As I said before to @Brettney remember: the Enter key (1) and the text going upwards/text box interfering with the toolbar (2) are two different bugs, do not mix them on the same report. They are EXTREMELY picky with bug reports and if they aren‘t correctly fulfilled, they aren’t easy to reproduce, and don’t go straight to the point, they won’t bother reading it. Also, it is highly probable they will ask you to describe it again a second time over email. And they will ask you if you already tried something to fix it (deleting and re-installing the app, switching off and on again the iPad, etc). It can be frustrating, but be strong, this is the only way to make noise and make them fix it.

Remember to point that you’re using the ipad with an external keyboard, because if they are testing this on a plain iPad they won’t probably identify the bug. You have to specify that an external keyboard is attached and the on-screen keyboard is hidden, and the text of the app is interfering with the Predictive toolbar at the bottom.

They will ask you to record a video too. You can do this easily with the iPad’s screen recording feature on the control center. Then, you can easily upload the video to IMGUR or any web video host, and paste the link on the email.

Good luck to both of you. The more people report it, the more probable it is to be listened.

PS: there’s another way, joining the Discord Tester’s server, but you need to have your account verified with your phone number. You can try that way if you prefer, but the report won’t be easier. You still have to accurately fulfill the form, and pray for them to approve it.
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Thank you, Populus, for both starting this thread and providing the detailed updates. The only information I’d been able to find thus far about the enter key were complaints on reddit — to which I’d added my voice — and I wasn’t sure what to do beyond that.

I haven’t had the predictive text issue and submitted a ticket about the enter key following your guidance.
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Thank you, Populus, for both starting this thread and providing the detailed updates. The only information I’d been able to find thus far about the enter key were complaints on reddit — to which I’d added my voice — and I wasn’t sure what to do beyond that.

I haven’t had the predictive text issue and submitted a ticket about the enter key following your guidance.
Just curious, do you have a 12.9” iPad? That would make sense provided that a wider screen would allow the app to not collide with the predictive text toolbar.
Just curious, do you have a 12.9” iPad? That would make sense provided that a wider screen would allow the app to not collide with the predictive text toolbar.
It’s a 5th generation 9.7” iPad.

Also, the virtual keyboard I use doesn’t offer predictive text. I used to have Swype, but it stopped working some time back and I haven’t gone looking for something better than the bog standard one.
It’s a 5th generation 9.7” iPad.

Also, the virtual keyboard I use doesn’t offer predictive text. I used to have Swype, but it stopped working some time back and I haven’t gone looking for something better than the bog standard one.
Nah, this bug appears only when the virtual keyboard is hidden, and you only see the bottom predictive toolbar. Also, if you have the predictive disabled, makes sense if you don’t experience too much issues.

Submitted the bug to Discord and they replied saying they don’t support bluetooth keyboard so I went on to clarify more and they said they know the bug exists so I’m praying and hoping they will do something to fix it ASAP since it is pretty annoying experiencing this

Submitted the bug to Discord and they replied saying they don’t support bluetooth keyboard so I went on to clarify more and they said they know the bug exists so I’m praying and hoping they will do something to fix it ASAP since it is pretty annoying experiencing this
I’m glad to hear that you got some sort of response. I received an email with my ticket number, but no link to check on the ticket. I haven’t gotten anything from the support team yet.
I feel like this had to be a change that was made in version 114 of the iPad Discord App. My discord app just updated overnight while I was asleep and the enter/return key on my magic keyboard does not send messages anymore. I though I was going crazy, but am so happy I found this thread. Discord needs to really roll back whatever change broke this function. Why would I want to take my hands off of the keyboard to send a message?!!?
I feel like this had to be a change that was made in version 114 of the iPad Discord App. My discord app just updated overnight while I was asleep and the enter/return key on my magic keyboard does not send messages anymore. I though I was going crazy, but am so happy I found this thread. Discord needs to really roll back whatever change broke this function. Why would I want to take my hands off of the keyboard to send a message?!!?
This already happened on version 113.0 at least. I don’t remember if it was 112 or 113 when I installed it after installing iPadOS 15.3

In fact, you just have to see how old this thread is. I opened it on February 8th, and Discord V.114 was released merely a week ago.
This already happened on version 113.0 at least. I don’t remember if it was 112 or 113 when I installed it after installing iPadOS 15.3

In fact, you just have to see how old this thread is. I opened it on February 8th, and Discord V.114 was released merely a week ago.
Hmm, I was just thinking that it was 114 based on when the enter/return issue started to impact me. But who knows, my iPad may have skipped a few versions because it is terrible at running the auto updates. I just submitted a support ticket as well for the enter issue. I can live with every other bug, but this one pushed me over the edge because it makes the experience of using Discord on iPad absolutely horrible.
I have never used the return key on my iPad with Discord. I’ve always used the send button. But I tried it today and you are right, it sends an empty space.
I have never used the return key on my iPad with Discord. I’ve always used the send button. But I tried it today and you are right, it sends an empty space.
Just curious, you are saying you type your message on the physical external keyboard, and instead pushing the return/enter/intro button, which is just few inches away, you prefer to move your hand, reach the screen, and touch the tiny blue send button?
@Populus I noticed today that if the floating predictive text bubble is gone (ie you tap off of text entry) the return key goes back to sending the messages in Discord. This is obviously not a fix, I just wish there was a way to disable that floating window.

Update - I turned off all of those features, and it still drops lines when you hit return. So I am assuming discord pushed something that caused this behavior change.
I’m having the same issue too. The invisible glitch is fixed when you turn off predictive, which is an okay fix since I don’t need it anyway, however the main problem is the return button! Just noticed it yesterday when discord got updated on my iPad. Hopefully this will be fixed soon! I suggest going on to voice your opinion, it’s the actual discord forumns
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I’m having the same issue too. The invisible glitch is fixed when you turn on predictive, which is an okay fix since I don’t need it anyway, however the main problem is the return button! Just noticed it yesterday when discord got updated on my iPad. Hopefully this will be fixed soon!
Make sure you send a support ticket in. The more ppl the raise heck about it the better :D
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