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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 27, 2008

I just recently updated to Mojave and since then I experience problems with FlashPlayer. I'm running a Website as my Screensaver that uses Flash and no everytime I exit the screensaver, I get the following error:

Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at 8.05.36 AM.png

I've already checked FlashPlayer and it says it's up to date.

Does anyone know what causes this issue and how to fix it?
Get rid of flash.....nobody uses it anymore.
Especially linking to a website, that’s looking for trouble.
Thanks for deciding for me what kind of applications I run o_O

That screensaver has been running perfectly fine for 2 years, now....
Thanks for deciding for me what kind of applications I run o_O

That screensaver has been running perfectly fine for 2 years, now....

Usually, I would only chime in for troubleshooting purposes that resolves an actual problem. However, this has to be close to one of the dumbest ideas that someone would want to do in allowing access to their computer. You're having an issue because of privileges with Flash Player not able to access a protected system file in Mojave. But, not just that you're using a Flash Player based screensaver which is so bothersome as the fact that you trust any website to have continual access to your PC is a huge security vulnerability. So, the previous advice was sound but not something you wanted to hear.
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The reality is, flash and java are both very unsecure.
Linking to a ‘flash’ based website is not wise (giving access to your storage)
Do you really trust the source?
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