on my brand new Mac Mini - I tried to enable the NTFS FOR MAC extension, which requires a re-start.
but it didn't start. got as far as the very end of the white line, but would not get to the start page!
so I tried SAFE MODE, assuming that works the same as in earlier OS systems (el capitan - holding the shift key down at startup) and to my disappointment, that did NOT work either ... gets to the end of the white line and then just hangs indefinitely.
so what to do next?
I assume that there's a RECOVERY MODE on Mojave? I will try that next. That will take me to DISK UTIL, but once I am in DISK UTIL, what can I do? How can I tell it to disable the NTFS FOR MAC extension?
but it didn't start. got as far as the very end of the white line, but would not get to the start page!
so I tried SAFE MODE, assuming that works the same as in earlier OS systems (el capitan - holding the shift key down at startup) and to my disappointment, that did NOT work either ... gets to the end of the white line and then just hangs indefinitely.
so what to do next?
I assume that there's a RECOVERY MODE on Mojave? I will try that next. That will take me to DISK UTIL, but once I am in DISK UTIL, what can I do? How can I tell it to disable the NTFS FOR MAC extension?