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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Propellerhead software announced yesterday that they will be releasing a Reason inspired iOS app called Figure. Reason is a popular music software program for Mac and Windows.

Figure is described as a mobile tool for inspiration and short bursts of creativity for song ideas:

The app has been submitted for approval and will be priced at $0.99.

Article Link: Propellerhead Software Demos 'Figure' - An Upcoming iOS Music App Inspired by Reason
Wirelessly posted

Sounds good. Price makes me think there may not be much to this app.
Most probably will get. I love Reason and been using it since Reason 1.

Will it be for iPad also?
This as the cherry on top of the Rack Extension news was pretty great.

Wirelessly posted

Sounds good. Price makes me think there may not be much to this app.

Well, you're partly right in that it's more of a quick idea board. It can still be quality though and the Props promised the sounds are generated by the same engine as the desktop version (Kong/Thor, together with the master comp).

Three tracks as shown in the picture. It seems like input (as in melodies/automation) is done via a Korg Kaossliator like interface.

Still, seems the interface is quite nice. I can only hope we'll see more of their mobile efforts in the future. Will get it as soon as it's approved.

Reason user since 1.0 with no regrets. Screams creativity/experimentation. :D
Any relation to the band Propellerheads? Best known for album "Decksandrumsandrockandroll", featuring "Spybreak!" used in the lobby scene in The Matrix.
Any relation to the band Propellerheads? Best known for album "Decksandrumsandrockandroll", featuring "Spybreak!" used in the lobby scene in The Matrix.

No, two totally different entities. I've used the program Reason and also listen to the artist, Propellerheads (love em') :cool::D

Now even this is somewhat unrelated, I am compelled to ask this...

Where is Logic Pro X?
This is cool! Now, if only Toontrack would bring EZDrummer to the iPad.
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