With demand for the iPhone X likely to far exceed available supplies, there is going to be a mad scramble to secure launch day iPhone Xs when pre-orders open on October 27.
I propose that Apple hold an auction to determine who gets a launch day iPhone X. It would operate very simply:
I propose that Apple hold an auction to determine who gets a launch day iPhone X. It would operate very simply:
- People place bids for what they would be willing to pay for an iPhone X on launch day (with a minimum bid of the iPhone X's retail price); and
- The people with the top bids receive launch day iPhone Xs (eg if there are 1 million iPhone Xs available on launch day, the top 1 million bids receive them).
- Facilitates a rational, calm ordering process (ie no need to all rush to order at once).
- Allows the market to determine the order of deliveries rather than relying on luck of the draw (eg Internet connection, speed of clicking).
- Destroys the scalper market (Apple is essentially cutting out the middle man).
- Still allows people to buy the iPhone X for the regular retail price once demand falls and supply picks up.
- Makes Apple additional money (remember: no bids under the retail price). Indeed, it could even give the extra money raised to charity.