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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Psystar, manufacturer of unauthorized Mac clones currently involved in a legal battle with Apple, reports that it has exited Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is again prepared to take on Apple. Psystar filed for bankruptcy just over one month ago.
As you all may already be aware in late May, Psystar filed for Chapter 11 protection. Although this was critical to our continued daily operations, we now are ready to emerge and again battle Goliath.

More information will be available in the coming days when we will be formally discharged by the Bankruptcy court.

When life gives you apples, make applesauce.
Psystar also announced the release of the Open(7), a new high-end system based on Intel's Nehalem Xeon platform. The new system is available in desktop and rackmountable models, with pricing for both versions beginning at $1499 with OS X Leopard preinstalled.

Article Link: Psystar Exits Bankruptcy, Launches New Xeon-Based Systems Running OS X


macrumors 604
Apr 19, 2004
Convenient that shortly after the judge gave permission for Apple to continue its lawsuit, Psystar exits Chapter 11...... Anyone else think Chap. 11 was a ploy to try to stop the lawsuit?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 1, 2009
New Zealand

Psystar, manufacturer of unauthorized Mac clones currently involved in a legal battle with Apple, reports that it has exited Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is again prepared to take on Apple. Psystar filed for bankruptcy just over one month ago.Psystar also announced the release of the Open(7), a new high-end system based on Intel's Nehalem Xeon platform. The new system is available in desktop and rackmountable models, with pricing for both versions beginning at $1499 with OS X Leopard preinstalled.

Article Link: Psystar Exits Bankruptcy, Launches New Xeon-Based Systems Running OS X

Damn, Pystar is getting as bad as SCO.

Alan S

macrumors member
Mar 21, 2009
People were speculating, we would find out who was the money behind this company when it entered Chapter 11. So, now that it has exited Chapter 11, did anyone find out?


macrumors 65816
Feb 9, 2007
Boo. Piles of legal fees and suddenly they're out of bankruptcy? Who is behind this offensive attack?


macrumors regular
Feb 28, 2007
Hooper, UT
They have some Balls

Free publicity? Once Apple gets them to stop selling OSX preinstalled they can just sell Windows and Linux and everyone will know them. Not sure if I'd buy one, but at least their name will be out there in a big way.

I would say nice move Pystar but Apple is going to be like a ton of bricks on your little company.


macrumors 6502
Feb 26, 2008
beginning at $1499? the prices are right up there with macs...why not just buy a mac?


macrumors 68000
Oct 4, 2005
Toronto, Canada
You fools! I'm behind this! MUAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaaaaa! HAHAhahaahAHAAA!! Hahaaaaa!

Next up? The Freeze Ray.

But first.... first I'll take Apple down after creating PsystarBot, powered by MegaLeopard (the next-next OS X, which I took from the future with my time machine).

It has a chainsaw for a hand, and laser beams for eyes. And in the middle... in the middle it has the MegaCloner. Anything the beam touches is instantly cloned at cheaper prices.



macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Hopefully this will mean cheaper Macs. :rolleyes:

Apple will lower the price when doing so doesn't cut into their margins to a huge level. Like they did with the WWDC drops. They will never drop them because of some upstart geek in his mama's basement trying to illegally steal the non open source parts of their software.

in the end, I suspect that the bankruptcy was an attempt to call off the Apple dogs and it failed. but even if it was legit, they are idiots for not conceding that Apple has won all the possible legal battles and moving on. Heck, most of the OS is open source so they could probably create their own interface and the 3rd party apps would still work. and apple couldn't do a thing if they didn't touch the non open bits of the software. heck maybe they could be uber geniuses and figure out a way to have one OS that runs both Mac and Windows apps. if they weren't so dang lazy that is


macrumors 68020
Nov 23, 2007
Aargh, just as I thought this pile of **** is over with and someone seem to spray a can of revive this pile of ****.


macrumors 6502
Apr 29, 2009
Boo. Piles of legal fees and suddenly they're out of bankruptcy? Who is behind this offensive attack?

The BK filing allowed them to get out of paying most, if not all, of those legal fees, as well as screwing all of their suppliers in the process. So now they get to start with a clean slate.


macrumors 6502
Apr 29, 2009
Free publicity? Once Apple gets them to stop selling OSX preinstalled they can just sell Windows and Linux and everyone will know them. Not sure if I'd buy one, but at least their name will be out there in a big way.

Can you say "Napster"?


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2008
Shame Apple whacked up their margins so high on the Mac Pro. Until March you could buy nor build the specs of the Mac Pro anywhere else for less.


macrumors 68040
Feb 9, 2005
beginning at $1499? the prices are right up there with macs...why not just buy a mac?
What do you mean "up there with macs"? Mac Pro starts at $2499. You can't compare it to an iMac. It's a Nehalem Xeon based system... it runs circles around iMac. Heck, it runs circles around 3-4 iMacs.
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