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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 20, 2006
I can't put my imac monitor to sleep if itunes is syncing my songs over. It'll wake itself after a few seconds. Is there a way to turn it off? With a separate monitor i could just push the power button. But now with this all in one it's impossible. I can put it to sleep if itunes is not running. This is pretty stupid.
Go to System Preferences - Energy Saver - Put the display to sleep when the computer is inactive for: change this to 1 minute or something

This will turn off the display but keep the computer on.

That's because you're trying to put the computer to sleep, not the monitor.

Try Shift+ctrl+eject button
oops sorry forgot to tell u I was using CTRL+shift+eject to put monitor to sleep. t won't sleep the monitor. If i shutdown itunes i can sleep the monitor no issues. This seems to happen when i am syncing my songs to my ipod. I just want it running in the background and monitor off.
I can't put my imac monitor to sleep if itunes is syncing my songs over. It'll wake itself after a few seconds. Is there a way to turn it off? With a separate monitor i could just push the power button. But now with this all in one it's impossible. I can put it to sleep if itunes is not running. This is pretty stupid.

Ah the luxury of an all-in-one computer:)

I just set a hot corner and sleep my display immediately. Does it no matter is iTunes is running or synching.
i also set a hot corner for sleep as well and that does not work as well. If itunes is running it'll wake the monitor no matter what. Unless there is something i am missing. For instance the monitor will goto sleep for a few seconds then boom it's back on again.
Your not accidentally bumping the mouse or anything like that are you? I know I have brushed the keyboard or mouse incredibly lightly on accident and it wakes up the monitor.
Sounds like you are sitting by the computer.

If anything moves the mouse, for example if you bump into the desk, then of course, with any display connected to a computer, the display will wake up.
no i put it to sleep and head to bed a few seconds later it's awake again. i can repeat this everytime itunes running in bakground.
This is very weird behavior because I have iTunes running 24/7 on my iMac and have no problems at all with my monitor staying asleep. I have the hot corner defined and it works like a charm.
just what version of Leopard are you using ?

I found a solution for you. I'm using 10.5.4.

I plugged in my iPod Touch with the iTunes window open on the screen. When it started to synch I put my screen to sleep. Within about 5 seconds the screen would wake up just as you had said was happening. The odd thing is it does not have this issue when synching with my AppleTV.

To solve the issue I minimized the iTunes window while synching and the screen stayed asleep.

I had not encountered your issue before because I usually have iTunes minimized while synching.
i will give it a try. But i think i did have it minimize too. Will confirm when i get home.

I have my iMac plugs to the APC UPS. From time to time, it wakes itself up and not going back to deep sleep mode. It's kind of a pain.
i have tried to do what you suggested in minimizing my itunes and it still wakes the monitor up. That's got to be a little irritating now.
I also encounter this problem and piss off is my trackpad the cursor will move it self. I have been google around etc here searching.

trackpad problem perhaps I using old , aged recharging batteries some suggest use new one. So I just straight now using non recharging batteries . yes my track pad is the first version.

" it seem " cut down or might happen again, I still monitor .

on putting display mode to sleep. I also have this problem. It will either can't put to sleep or auto wake up in the middle of the night or even day time while i just put my display to sleep whereas the computer still running.

If can't sleep. I switch off my track pad and turn it on again . usually it works and put the Display turn off .

on auto wake up, I still can't figure out wat happen. the WORST case is been auto wake up and the track pad cursor anyhow random move itself , sometimes close my program etc.

DO NOTE IS not virus so call remote control . I already checked. is not.

I also do a what NVRAM reset , still got these problem .
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