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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 22, 2010
I suffer from the PWM headache thing. Was wondering if anyone knows if and when the LG OLED screens
will solve this issue. And if so how does one get one with an LG screen. Is there some sort of identifiers.

I tried the reduce white point solution and it didn't work for me.

When I returned my Xs Max the Genius didn't have a clue this was a thing and I got the impression they didn't believe me.


macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
I suffer from the PWM headache thing. Was wondering if anyone knows if and when the LG OLED screens
will solve this issue. And if so how does one get one with an LG screen. Is there some sort of identifiers.

I tried the reduce white point solution and it didn't work for me.

When I returned my Xs Max the Genius didn't have a clue this was a thing and I got the impression they didn't believe me.

Doesn’t Samsung make both the XS max and XS screens ? I don’t think they actually used LG after all those rumors. LG screens are also inferior to Samsung OLED displays. Just look at the V30 and pixel 2XL issues


macrumors regular
Oct 27, 2018
I suffer from the PWM headache thing. Was wondering if anyone knows if and when the LG OLED screens
will solve this issue. And if so how does one get one with an LG screen. Is there some sort of identifiers.

I tried the reduce white point solution and it didn't work for me.

When I returned my Xs Max the Genius didn't have a clue this was a thing and I got the impression they didn't believe me.

I don't think it is a thing.

Only new model with no PWM is the XR. So maybe give that ago?
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