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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 4, 2009
I want to start a classic MacOS on Q but i don't get it to work

I have tested to boot from a 8.6 CD and from images made for Q from Macintoshgarden, but i always get this message on the Picture. Any idea?

Tested on a iMac G4 and a PowerMac G5

Any Ideas?

Bild 2.png

Bild 3.png
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I want to run "A Final Unity" and under Sheepshaver the Video Sequenzes are white and under Dosbox you get wrong colors if you set to more than 256.

Now i want to test it under Q
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QEMU successfully booting into Mac OS 9 is still pretty new (from somewhere around 2018). Q definitely looks a bit old to have this support. I'm not too well informed with this, though, and I went the Sheepshaver way too.
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sheepshaver give me the wheel of death when i get the hard drive select menu. version is 2.4 2014-02-01

Edit 2.3 is working
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I still think Qemu needs a GUI.
GUIs are for noobz :p Joking aside, there are several front-ends (none for OS X AFAICS though) if you need a GUI, but I love the fact that you can fire it up using a shell script that has everything configured the way you want.
GUIs are for noobz :p Joking aside, there are several front-ends (none for OS X AFAICS though) if you need a GUI, but I love the fact that you can fire it up using a shell script that has everything configured the way you want.
I use CLI for lots things, and for some things it is easier; like installing applications and updating on Linux.

Setting up Qemu has always just felt like PITA to me. I’ve got it working on my Mac Pro with PPC Tiger and OS 9. But it took me probably an hour at least to figure it out. It’s emulator, and it shouldn’t take that long to set up IMO. If it were like virtualbox, I’d have had it done in a few seconds.
i dont get Sheepshaver to work on my G5. After loading the system i get the beachball. Different ROMs, different Systems, different Sheepshaver Versions.

Get 7.5.5 to work. Now i will test "A Final Unity"
No way, sequences also white like on Intel Sheepshaver

At the moment Boxer with 256 colors is the only way to play "Star Trek - A Final Unity" on a PPC G5 (or i must install 10.4 with Classic too)
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