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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 11, 2008

I am very confused. On my iMac, I accessed iCloud under systems options. I checked the document and desktop option. My desktop folders did NOT dissapear from desktop. Instead when I save a file to my desktop folder on the desktop, it also is saved to my desktop under iCloud. Is that how it is supposed to work? I thought the desktop folders are supposed to disappear from my iMac desktop. Am I doing it correctly?


I am very confused.

On my iMac, I accessed iCloud under systems options. I checked the document and desktop option.
Yep, you've just told your mac to store every file within the documents folder and on your desktop to iCloud. That's it.

If you save a file outside of the documents folder or desktop it will only be saved locally to your computer. If you accidentally drop your computer into the ocean those files will not easily be recovered.
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If the folders still exist on my desktop, but the storage happens in iCloud, why do I see the folders in “safety net” with CCC?

If the folders still exist on my desktop, but the storage happens in iCloud, why do I see the folders in “safety net” with CCC?
I do believe this tech has completely blown your mind!

You are seriously overthinking this.

Before turning on iCloud storage:
Your files were stored wherever you put them.

After turning on iCloud storage:
You files are stored wherever you put them. They automatically 'copy' themselves to iCloud storage when changes have happened. Checking the iCloud button causes the file system to watch the desktop and documents folders for changes. If any are noticed the file is saved locally as before and updated to iCloud as soon as internet is available. It happens in the background. As a user you never notice anything.

If you have another computer or iPad logged in with the same account the files updates are propagated to all your devices.
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