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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
I've been using the iPT5G since it came out, and there are some things that irritate me no end. So I'm thinking about getting an iPT6G, but I'd like to make sure the issues are resolved.

1) Cache-less reloads. My #1 beef. I think this is due to the low RAM the iPT5G has, but the behavior is as follows. Say I'm browsing a news-aggregate page, such as google news. I click on a link that takes me to a new page; when I click back to go back the first news-aggregate page, it doesn't come up in its original form, but instead when I click to go back to it, it re-loads that news-aggregate page anew from the server (instead of bringing it back from memory, as there is not enough RAM to keep it) - and when it reloads, the content is often changed, because the original page has changed in the meanwhile... but I want the original page, since there was content that I was interested in - only now, with the re-load, it is lost. HATE THAT.

Q: Does the iPT6G still engage in cache-less reloads?

2) Automatic Ambient Light Adjustment - it existed in iPT4G (which I also owned), and then, in a huge step back, the iPT5G lost it! Incredible, and highly irritating - I'm sick and tired of constantly adjusting the brightness, several times a day.

Q: Does the iPT6G have and Ambient Light Sensor that automatically adjusts the light level, like it did on iPT4G?

Not a current Ipod touch users but I hope I can offer my answers somehow,

1) I suppose so, page will reload less frequent because they doubled the ram (512 to 1G) I have no trouble loading multiple pages on my IPhone 6 with same amount of ram.
2) I don't think you will find als in Touch 6 because it has the same thickness. Personally, that is a deal breaker for me why I don't buy Touch 5

If you look for faster experience, there is little reason you don't upgrade.
It doesn't have the features you are asking about, but it seems at least 10X faster at everything.
The iPT4 has ambient light sensor, but it has never worked with a crap, so not having it on the iPT6 is no real loss. I always generally turned it off on the iPT4 because it would either stay bright or never bright up when in an area that where it should. I've seen this with all of the iPT4's I've ever tested this on, so it wasn't just mine. This was a known issue.

I do not find it reloads pages in the browser. It's very fast in almost everything it does.
Thank you everyone. Good to hear the cache-less reloads are no longer a problem. FWIW, the ambient light sensor in the iPT4G worked well for me... otacorb, maybe you had a defective one... in any case I miss it.
Thank you everyone. Good to hear the cache-less reloads are no longer a problem. FWIW, the ambient light sensor in the iPT4G worked well for me... otacorb, maybe you had a defective one... in any case I miss it.

Yeah, I always thought mine was defective which is why I tried out many others, but found them all the same. I even took mine to the Apple store a long time ago and they said this is just how they work. You can see it flicker the display when you totally cover the lens, but it doesn't actually dim and brighten as one would think it should. Like I said I've found that to be the case on every iPT4 I've ever tried. So, you must have actually got ONE that worked! LOL
Weird. I don't doubt your experience, I just never thought much about the iPT4G having the ALS, because it just worked... had it not worked properly, then yes, I'd have noticed, and certainly not missed it as much as I did on the iPT5G. I mean, what's the point of sticking it in the iPT4G if it's not going to work, seems like that would be a strange choice, but who knows. I only know it worked for me - and I don't think of myself as having particularly low standards... which would be odd in any case, as either the light works or it doesn't. The way you describe it, is not at all how it worked for me - it dimmed or brightened exactly depending on how much light there was around... as it should - I know I'd have noticed if I was not able to read the display! Anyhow, maybe it's one of those mysteries. In any case, I still think it's a big pain not to have it - I seriously find myself adjusting the light level every time I use it... it strongly lowers the quality of experience for me, makes it highly irritating and a big downer.
I went ahead and dug mine out so I could actually use it to remember the exact issue with it. Now I remember the issue. I wanted to clarify it as I said it didn't work at all, but that was not the case. It would brighten itself, but it would never dim after you got in a darker area or in total darkness without actually turning it off and back on. Then it would dim as it was suppose too. So, I just wanted to clarify my issue with it. I also went back and looked as there were several thread about this way back when. So, this was indeed a common issue. Nonetheless I am glad you got one that apparently worked correctly. For me though with the new iPT6 I just set the display about mid brightest and this seems to work in most of the places I use it. So, I don't find I am having to constantly change it. Ultimately, I think you are right that they should have included this feature, but for me personally I don't think its a big deal not having it, certainly not a deal breaker by any means!
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I hear you, and I agree it might not be a deal breaker if everything else is way improved. I live in LA California, so most of the time it's very bright outside... unless you crank the brightness to max, you won't see anything... meanwhile, I like to read some books or websites on the iPT5G just before I fall asleep, and it's perfectly dark in the bedroom, so anything above very minimal brightness is quite blinding, especially if you are reading something on a white background; which is a long way of saying, that I'm afraid just keeping the brightness at mid-level would not really work for me. Anyhow, good discussion, and thank you for your thoughts!
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