Thank you for your opinion! Yes,my phone is always with me!Get the cellular if you will need or want to leave your phone behind. If you do not need it, don’t buy it. I’ve always bought cellular because I like being able to intentionally (or accidentally) leave the house without my phone.
I’ve left my phone on the medical transport on the way back home from dialysis on a Saturday (like am going in today). Only found out I didn’t have my phone after getting at home, weighing myself and finding out I was 225g under weight. Checked my pockets and had my wallet, but no phone. I’m not scheduled for dialysis again until Tuesdays so would be w/o comms for 3 days. Yeah, I could head back into town via a taxi, and grab my phone from the transport company and taxi it back to home. That’s another $80 and equivalent to 6-7 months of a cell phone plan.I considered the cellular, but the extra price and the subscription cost decided it for me, it's almost 8$ extra pr.month for a service I would almost never use.
I always have my phone with me, so for me the emergency situation other people described is not very likely in my case.
I'm very happy with my aw s9 without cellular and have never been in a situation where I wished I had it.
Sure, things like that could happen but in my life situation it's not very likely. People are different, have different needs so many people could use the cellular, but it would be redundant for me and my situation. It's not that I'm greedy that I don't pay the $ but it wouldn't be worth it for me. Its great it's worth it for you and that it worked out so well!I’ve left my phone on the medical transport on the way back home from dialysis on a Saturday (like am going in today). Only found out I didn’t have my phone after getting at home, weighing myself and finding out I was 225g under weight. Checked my pockets and had my wallet, but no phone. I’m not scheduled for dialysis again until Tuesdays so would be w/o comms for 3 days. Yeah, I could head back into town via a taxi, and grab my phone from the transport company and taxi it back to home. That’s another $80 and equivalent to 6-7 months of a cell phone plan.
And there would have been no way to call for a taxi w/o my watch - so, even w/o an emergency need it still makes sense for me to have a cell plan.
I mean, it’s less than a Big Mac meal, and I def don’t need those