So long story short, I just smashed my iPhone 5s in the Kmart parking lot. It's still "working"...for now, but chunks of glass are slowly peeling off and I had to pop the screen back in cause it was bowed out. Yikes. Up until that moment, it ran great imo for a 5(?) year old phone. Where's the safest place to get a replacement unit? There are a lot of places selling "pre-owned" like eBay, but how do I know which ones are not going to rip me off (like a stolen phone or something)? Would it even be worth it to just get the screen replaced?
I wouldn't be totally against getting a newer phone either. I'd rather buy a brand new phone vs a refurbished one anyway (bad Apple Care experiences). I'm not a heavy phone user, so I'm looking more towards the lower end. iPhone X is awesome and all, but I'll be getting one in like 5 years anyway when the prices aren't seizure-inducing anymore. I don't want anything more smashable than the 5s! The new glass iPhone's absolutely terrify me. I'm way too clumsy with these things. In fact, the 5s was a hand-me-down, because I dropped my 4s into a puddle not even a year ago. On that note, water resistance would be really, really nice to have.
The iPhone SE seems like the most reasonable trade up. Is it worth the current $350 price tag though? I'd be going from a base 5s to a phone that has 32GB storage vs 16GB (getting the Storage Full message a lot lately), Apple Pay (really think this would be useful), a better camera (basically 70% of my phone usage), and a much faster processor I'm assuming. Isn't the SE kind of old too though, so will it simply become obsolete within a couple of iOS updates? I don't like the form factor of the new iPhones vs that of the 5s. Larger screens, yeah, but I have an iPad for that. But since the SE is the same as the 5s on the outside, I'm guessing that it's not water resistant either. Those are some factors I am weighing. I'm on T-mobile, and the last time they did the BOGO iPhone SE deal, I passed on it. Is there a chance that will return during the holidays if they want to clear out their stock or something? If anyone in the know could give me some tips, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
I wouldn't be totally against getting a newer phone either. I'd rather buy a brand new phone vs a refurbished one anyway (bad Apple Care experiences). I'm not a heavy phone user, so I'm looking more towards the lower end. iPhone X is awesome and all, but I'll be getting one in like 5 years anyway when the prices aren't seizure-inducing anymore. I don't want anything more smashable than the 5s! The new glass iPhone's absolutely terrify me. I'm way too clumsy with these things. In fact, the 5s was a hand-me-down, because I dropped my 4s into a puddle not even a year ago. On that note, water resistance would be really, really nice to have.
The iPhone SE seems like the most reasonable trade up. Is it worth the current $350 price tag though? I'd be going from a base 5s to a phone that has 32GB storage vs 16GB (getting the Storage Full message a lot lately), Apple Pay (really think this would be useful), a better camera (basically 70% of my phone usage), and a much faster processor I'm assuming. Isn't the SE kind of old too though, so will it simply become obsolete within a couple of iOS updates? I don't like the form factor of the new iPhones vs that of the 5s. Larger screens, yeah, but I have an iPad for that. But since the SE is the same as the 5s on the outside, I'm guessing that it's not water resistant either. Those are some factors I am weighing. I'm on T-mobile, and the last time they did the BOGO iPhone SE deal, I passed on it. Is there a chance that will return during the holidays if they want to clear out their stock or something? If anyone in the know could give me some tips, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!