Have the GPUs only come this far? Doesn't seem that crazy to me for some reason. I always look at the TFLOPS because that seems easy to compare and this GPU seems pretty similar to my late 2012 iMac at work with 1.9 TFLOPS of performance. So if by workstation you mean desktop from four years ago, then I guess? Please correct me if I'm wrong as I don't know a lot of the intricacies of GPUs these days, but I thought floating point is a good measure of raw output? I also know that my iMac, which is non-retina at 2560x1440, can get slightly laggy sometimes when doing visual things like switching spaces and expose if I've been working in a bunch of apps for a while. So that makes me worried about trying to run an external 4K display, much less multiple 5K displays plus the built-in retina display. I think my mid-2012 rMBP is around 0.75 TFLOPS and definitely gets laggy sometimes trying to run it's retina display.