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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 18, 2008
My apologies if this was posted, I don't think so as I searched and came up with nothing.
I just don't understand why I seem to be the only one with so many sharing problems from time to time and every Mac OS update.

Anyway I contacted apple and they screen captured everything so far on this.......

I am the IT person for my place of work, I now keep switching the office people to mac's, I keep up dating to the latest OS's that apple releases (yah I know, should have stayed with the original OS from the mac mini server I created 3 years ago, that had zero sharing problems).

I have an old sharp multi functioning printer (no I can not get my owner to replace it) that created a nightmare for file sharing 2 os's ago, with apple we were able to come up with fixes that worked for the most part (as I did not know the printer was creating all this with the mac OS at the time).

Now last years OS 12 file sharing just got horrid, so I figured out to use the FTP on the printer instead of the folder share on the printer, that actually took my sharing problems down to practically none.

"Only Happens Mac to Mac file sharing all on os 13 and all updates have the same problem, windows to mac server does not have this problem."

NOW on OS 13, I constantly get folders created when anyone edit's saves files on the server, and the only way to delete them is from the file location computer, I created a shared folder on another mac to see if it was only related to the mac mini server and I have the same problem.

I tried word, excel, numbers so far all create this random folder, and I have to go into the server every day or 2 and delete these folders.

just so all understand.
-I have a shared folder called "share" ( I give access to the ones who need it or even everyone)
-I have files in it like test.doc
-We open the file test.doc and then save it, a folder is created that is empty usually called "test x8746284rd8339572" and the file is also saved.

has anyone encounter this yet??
Thank You for any help or advice !!!
Update to this...
I have spoken to apple, and I have finally received an answer ......
they are aware of the problem and a future update is supposed to fix it. I heard this before, I just hope they actually do this time.

they stated others have reported the same problem also. yesterdays update did not fix it 13.1 (most likely they did not know about it yet to include it). lets hope the next one....
I totally stopped using apple for file sharing, NOT HAPPY, apple never fixed this as far as I know. I ended up buying a WD NAS that file shares perfectly !

Really sad Apple let this basic task go to crap. They are starting to remind me of microcrap

So now I have a 32 gig memory , 1 tb hard drive space i7 mac mini only doing parallels , what a waist.
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