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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 11, 2011
El Paso, TX
I've had my 6s jailbroken since the day it was released; zero issues, that is until yesterday when the update was pushed via Cydia. Since then my 6s has reboot itself randomly (once while I was driving home, once while sitting on my desk, and once overnight last night). The only change that's been made since that time was the update via Cydia of the new untether.

I check the crash logs and all it shows is a "Reset counter" which is basically the device rebooting, nothing else indicating what caused it.

Also, jailbroke my 5c (test device, mega POS, but still) yesterday fresh with 9.0.2 and the 1.1.0 executable, and wokeup this AM to find out that it rebooted itself as well; again a handful of tweaks that I've been using since day 1, or that have been recently updated.

Was going to restore my 6s and start fresh as I thought that may help, but since I woke up and saw my 5c had also rebooted, I figured it can only be tied to the recent untether update.

So.. anyone else having any random reboots? Seems to be a clean reboot (just no idea WHY it's happening), no issues booting the device (since it was back at the lock screen this AM, but said it required my password again due to a reboot).

Definitely odd...
Thanks. I also posted over on reddit and seems like a few others are. You're using the 1.1.0 verison of the untether right? Had you used the older version, or did you just start fresh with 1.1.0? I'm all but sure its the 1.1.0 as I had zero problems with the previous (first) build of Pangu.

Only when I updated via Cydia did the issue start, and my 5c was a clean setup, using the 1.1.0 executable so it has to be tied to 1.1.0 in some way.
It was happening on my two 6+ before. After the update, it hasn't occurred as far as I am aware. At least, I am glad to know it's a known issue and not something weird on my end.

Only tweaks I am using are:
Hide Labels
Minimal Host Blocker
It's odd because my 6s worked great prior to the Pangu 1.1.0 update in Cydia, now it keeps rebooting on its own every 1-4 hours (rebooted twice within 90 minutes) and once when I was making an outgoing call. My 5c, which I setup completely fresh with 9.0.2 and jail broke with the actual executable of Pangu 1.1.0 has rebooted as well every few hours, so I can only deduce it has to be 1.1.0.

I just restored my 6s and only installed whatever update Cydia had, and I'm going to let it be for a couple of hours and see if it reboots - if it does then its 100% the updated Pangu package, and if such is the case, hope they fix it as I'm sure 9.0.2 won't be signed much longer.

You can view your crash logs under settings -> privacy -> diagnostics & usage -> diagnostics & usage data .. if it shows anything related to "resetcounter" then your device is/has rebooted (that is if it's not a reboot you initiated of course).
I'm seeing this too but mainly when it's been sitting idle for long periods of time. Not sure what is causing this, it might be a tweak I have or it could be the jailbreak itself.
I've restored and re-jailbroken both of my devices. Installed all my stuff on one, left the other one with just the updates that Cydia had. The one with all my stuff crashed/rebooted twice overnight, the other with no stuff, crashed this morning, so it has (in my case), likely nothing to do with the tweaks, etc.

I have noticed however that if I don't run iCleaner afterwards (to clear the diagnostics logs), that I have not had a crash on either device yet, since.

I have no idea if the device is checking for some "activity" that needs/needed to happen, and when it checks the logs (or whatever) and doesn't see that it's happened, it reboots the phone - could be purely a BS assumption, but again since I've just left the crash logs alone (with the single entry that shows the device rebooted), I've yet to have another reboot this morning/afternoon. Will leave it be for the rest of the day and see if not clearing the logs is/was the fix. Seems very odd if it is, but who knows.
Strange, I do have icleaner pro installed and did run it yesterday and my phone rebooted overnight. Maybe I'll try not to run icleaner for awhile and see if I get any forced reboots.
Strange, I do have icleaner pro installed and did run it yesterday and my phone rebooted overnight. Maybe I'll try not to run icleaner for awhile and see if I get any forced reboots.
Yeah, so far its the only thing I can think of. 5c rebooted within an hour of running iCleaner, 6s made it overnight until this morning and then rebooted. Ran iCleaner again and rebooted again shortly after. Rebooted again and since that time I haven't run iCleaner again, so it could just be luck, or it could be again that the system is checking to see if something it needed to do happened, and since it can't find it in the logs, it does it (that being a reboot).. Guess I'll know if they both stay up for the rest of the day.
I'm not sure what you guys have going on here, but just a couple of questions.

When you say "reboot" are you meaning "respring" or does the phone actually shut off, turn back on and then boot?

I ask that, because on past jailbreaks (hell even stock) my springboard has been won't to respring on occasion. It's happened enough that at one point I made the Clock app be my alarm app even though I have a nightstand clock/alarm app I use every night. I do that so that my alarm will always go off.

In any case, I've often woke up to find my iPhone in safe mode or at the lockscreen. But I've never actually seen it shut off and reboot by itself.

If you do mean a reboot then I have no idea what's happening, but if a respring that can be down to one of your tweaks. Or as the current speculation seems to be, having run iCleaner.

That said, I use iCleaner Pro so I wonder if there may be some difference between the two even though the developer is the same person.
Same issue here. I had the BLOD a few days ago and had to restore and re-JB with Pangu 1.1.0.

It has rebooted at least once every night these last few nights. And I'm seeing the resetcounter in diagnostics

And I have icleaner installed and I run it every day
I'm not sure what you guys have going on here, but just a couple of questions.

When you say "reboot" are you meaning "respring" or does the phone actually shut off, turn back on and then boot?

I ask that, because on past jailbreaks (hell even stock) my springboard has been won't to respring on occasion. It's happened enough that at one point I made the Clock app be my alarm app even though I have a nightstand clock/alarm app I use every night. I do that so that my alarm will always go off.

In any case, I've often woke up to find my iPhone in safe mode or at the lockscreen. But I've never actually seen it shut off and reboot by itself.

If you do mean a reboot then I have no idea what's happening, but if a respring that can be down to one of your tweaks. Or as the current speculation seems to be, having run iCleaner.

That said, I use iCleaner Pro so I wonder if there may be some difference between the two even though the developer is the same person.

What I mean, is when I wake up (or when I'm sitting here and it restarts) it says that I must enter my PIN after a reboot (in other words I need to use my PIN vs Touch ID, as the device *rebooted*).

The crash logs indicate NO reason why the device rebooted, nor does Crashreporter. All that shows is a single entry in the logs showing "resetcounter".

Since I've not run iCleaner today since the last reboots, I've not had a single reboot, so I don't know if some component of logging is being cleaned out that shouldn't be by iCleaner, or if the device is checking for something IN the logs and when its not present (because its been cleared) its rebooting itself.

Last night literally 15 minutes after I ran iCleaner on my 5c it rebooted. I ran it again after that, and about an hour or so later (while I was asleep) it rebooted again. Ran iCleaner this AM on both devices and both rebooted within an hour or so of the other, since I have not run it however, again I've had no reboots.

I'm also using iCleaner PRO, and the only similarity that I can come to now is that iCleaner is clearing something either it shouldn't, or the device is looking for something IN the logs, and when its not seeing it, it reboots itself.
What I mean, is when I wake up (or when I'm sitting here and it restarts) it says that I must enter my PIN after a reboot (in other words I need to use my PIN vs Touch ID, as the device *rebooted*).

The crash logs indicate NO reason why the device rebooted, nor does Crashreporter. All that shows is a single entry in the logs showing "resetcounter".

Since I've not run iCleaner today since the last reboots, I've not had a single reboot, so I don't know if some component of logging is being cleaned out that shouldn't be by iCleaner, or if the device is checking for something IN the logs and when its not present (because its been cleared) its rebooting itself.

Last night literally 15 minutes after I ran iCleaner on my 5c it rebooted. I ran it again after that, and about an hour or so later (while I was asleep) it rebooted again. Ran iCleaner this AM on both devices and both rebooted within an hour or so of the other, since I have not run it however, again I've had no reboots.

I'm also using iCleaner PRO, and the only similarity that I can come to now is that iCleaner is clearing something either it shouldn't, or the device is looking for something IN the logs, and when its not seeing it, it reboots itself.

Saw someone who had a corrupted boot logo on reddit who claimed it happened after cleaning with iCleaner. I haven't had cause to use the clean function yet, but I have used the tweak substrate toggles in the past week.

I bought iCleaner Pro at one point so I generally don't even look at the other app which is why I was curious if there might be some difference. I know in the past I've heard some comments stating to use iCleaner Pro over iCleaner, which is another reason I bought the Pro version.

Very strange, but not unexpected this early I guess.

I have iCleaner Pro downloaded but am now reluctant to run it !

I've used it in the past and had no issues.

eyoungren , I note you say you paid for iCleaner Pro.

I installed a Repo to which iCleaner Pro was an included option.

The Repo is

No cost applied for this.

I'm sure this isn't a shady repo ? If it is I'll delete it and can you direct me to the correct place to acquire it.

I have iCleaner Pro downloaded but am now reluctant to run it !

I've used it in the past and had no issues.

eyoungren , I note you say you paid for iCleaner Pro.

I installed a Repo to which iCleaner Pro was an included option.

The Repo is

No cost applied for this.

I'm sure this isn't a shady repo ? If it is I'll delete it and can you direct me to the correct place to acquire it.
I believe they used to charge for the pro version but don't anymore.
My 6+ was rebooting before the update and did the same a day after updating. And, I don't have icleaner installed.

I have iCleaner Pro downloaded but am now reluctant to run it !

I've used it in the past and had no issues.

eyoungren , I note you say you paid for iCleaner Pro.

I installed a Repo to which iCleaner Pro was an included option.

The Repo is

No cost applied for this.

I'm sure this isn't a shady repo ? If it is I'll delete it and can you direct me to the correct place to acquire it.
That's the correct repo. I should clarify 'bought'. I paid for it so I don't have ads. It's functional otherwise but I wanted the ads gone. I think the dev allows it to be ad free on up to three devices.
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Me too noticed that, every time i run iCleanerPro my 6S will reboot. Also noticed this in the morning phone asks me to passcode or finger touch, meaning that it has rebooted overnight.
I haven't had a reboot now in about 36 hours. I've also ran iCleaner on both devices, and neither have crashed. No updates have been pushed that could have fixed this, so not sure if it worked itself out on its own, or if I just got lucky. Ran iCleaner in fact about an hour ago on both devices, and both are still working with no reboots. :D
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Guys, just some supplemental information here that may support iCleaner as being the issue.

I bought a new tweak yesterday and installed it. It appeared to me that it has a conflict with FolderEnhancer, so I emailed the dev. He asked for confirmation by having me remove FolderEnhancer (which I confirmed for him) but he also wanted crash logs.

Here's where things get interesting…

I generally have the log daemon disabled using iCleaner Pro. So, to get the dev the logs I reenabled it. Guess what?

I got a bootloop.

Disabling the log daemon from safe mode once again allowed me to boot. After some troubleshooting I decided that since I rarely use iCleaner Pro I would just uninstall it. Which, of course, would allow the default action of iOS to load the log daemon.

My iPhone booted without issue.

So…what this tells me is that iCleaner Pro has got an issue with the launch deamons right now, in my case the log daemon. That may be part of what issues you guys are experiencing here.

I would suggest removing iCleaner/iCleaner Pro entirely and seeing how you get on from there. I suspect that even though the app is functional on iOS 9 there are probably some underlying things that aren't working.
I haven't had any reboots in a good 3 days, of course I have no run iCleaner at all, so it has to be something that it is/was removing/clearing that was causing it. I have one single entry in my crash logs and that's the ResetCounter that was generated when the device rebooted, that's still there, because I haven't run iCleaner to clear it out.
I haven't had any reboots in a good 3 days, of course I have no run iCleaner at all, so it has to be something that it is/was removing/clearing that was causing it. I have one single entry in my crash logs and that's the ResetCounter that was generated when the device rebooted, that's still there, because I haven't run iCleaner to clear it out.
My point in sharing my experience was to add to yours. In the long run I don't see a reason to have iCleaner/Pro installed.

If we are avoiding using it because of what we suspect it might do, then how does it benefit us?

I just removed it. I don't need to clean cache files so bad that I have to have it on my phone with the potentiality for disaster or big problems if I use it.

There's already another thread of a user who used it and can't get to safe mode.
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