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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 22, 2010
Suppose your background is set to change each hour to a random photo in a folder of backgrounds. Now suppose you wish to display a set of similar images as often as any other image. For example, you have files a.png, b.png, and three files called c1.png, c2.png, and c3.png. Is it possible to make the chance of displaying a c image the same as displaying an a or b image, without making 3 copies each of a.png and b.png? I could be less hypothetical if that didn't make any sense. Thank you in advance!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 10, 2009
May be worth looking for screensaves at, but to be honest it's probably much easier doing as you've mentioned and "loading the dice" by having more than one copy of certain images.

EDIT: one disadvantage of that method though, is that you'll sometimes end up with the same image consecutively, complete with crossfade transition.
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