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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
I downloaded Synapse 2.0 and it runs nicely, everything is set up just fine, except there is one issue. There is a small icon in the menu bar that I can't seem to get rid of. I've tried CMD+Drag but that has no effect. There are no preferences to get rid of it anywhere either.

Any ideas?


UPDATE: I found a solution!

Here is what I did:

Navigate to Library/Application Support/Razer and open RzDeviceEngine. Set RzDeviceEngine as a login/startup file as well.

Icon is gone, mouse has full functionality.
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macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
From Razer Synapse 2.0 - Mac-Forums found via Google search for "Synapse 2.0 remove menu bar" (2nd search result):
Go to /Library/LaunchAgents/
Edit "com.razer.rzupdater.plist" with your favorite text editor
Change <false/> under "onDemand" to <true/>

This will disable the menu bar item, and the startup of the Synapse app while still loading the engine!


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Saw that and tried it, got an error message "don't have permission to write".

EDIT: Gave my account permission to change it. Changed it. Didn't work.

EDIT 2: Logged out and back in. The logo is gone, but all Synapse functionality is gone.
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Dark Void

macrumors 68030
Jun 1, 2011
I suppose you will have to leave it there until a possible update that adds a preference or something. I have used Synapse on Windows before and that thing always required updates - kind of a pain, really - but I am not sure if they release updates as frequently for the Mac variant of the software.

Wouldn't it just be beneficial to leave it there anyway? I can understand you not wanting it there for aesthetic purposes, but from a functionality standpoint it can be useful if you find yourself wanting or needing to edit mouse settings, switch profiles, etc.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Another update. After changing the value from false to true and having the Synapse 2.0 stop working on me, I changed the value back to false and now .. it still doesn't work. In fact, I completely uninstalled Synapse 2.0 and all files on my computer related to Razer and then afterwards re-installed Synapse 2.0 and it still doesn't work.

I guess my need to get rid of that icon has backfired on me. Now nothing works at all.

How can I fix this? :S

edit: found a solution. check top post.
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macrumors newbie
May 19, 2013
Solution for Razer Synapse Ugly Status Bar Icon [Mac]

The ugly green and pixelated razer synapse icon is really pissing me off on my macbook pro retina, so i've decided to navigate through the files and replace the icon, here is how i did it.

Go to : /Library/Application Support/Razer/ package content)/Contents/Resources, replace the "Status.png" icon file with the one i photoshoped and attached :) enjoy, this is how it looks like.

No modifications of any functions so everything works perfect!


  • Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 12.22.04 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 12.22.04 AM.png
    27.9 KB · Views: 1,174
  • Status.png
    8.5 KB · Views: 17,165


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2009
The ugly green and pixelated razer synapse icon is really pissing me off on my macbook pro retina, so i've decided to navigate through the files and replace the icon, here is how i did it.

Go to : /Library/Application Support/Razer/ package content)/Contents/Resources, replace the "Status.png" icon file with the one i photoshoped and attached :) enjoy, this is how it looks like.

No modifications of any functions so everything works perfect!

Thank you!


macrumors newbie
Nov 10, 2013
The ugly green and pixelated razer synapse icon is really pissing me off on my macbook pro retina, so i've decided to navigate through the files and replace the icon, here is how i did it.

Go to : /Library/Application Support/Razer/ package content)/Contents/Resources, replace the "Status.png" icon file with the one i photoshoped and attached :) enjoy, this is how it looks like.

No modifications of any functions so everything works perfect!

This does work as of Nov 10 2013. Any other suggestions?


macrumors newbie
May 31, 2014
The ugly green and pixelated razer synapse icon is really pissing me off on my macbook pro retina, so i've decided to navigate through the files and replace the icon, here is how i did it.

Go to : /Library/Application Support/Razer/ package content)/Contents/Resources, replace the "Status.png" icon file with the one i photoshoped and attached :) enjoy, this is how it looks like.

No modifications of any functions so everything works perfect!

Not what I was looking for, but it's a good solution avoiding the hacking.

Thank you very much!


macrumors newbie
Nov 15, 2014
klyde99's solution still works on Yosemite. Some of you might be using Retina screens and/or Yosemite's Dark Mode, so I made a couple of versions for that.
  • Download the icon you want to use
  • Go to /Library/Application Support/Razer/ » Show Package Contents » /Contents/Resources
  • Delete Status.png, or if you wish to preserve the original icon, rename it to Status-backup.png
  • Move the icon you downloaded to the folder and rename it to Status.png


  • Razer-Synapse-Status-DarkMode-Retina.png
    854 bytes · Views: 4,818
  • Razer-Synapse-Status-DarkMode.png
    424 bytes · Views: 4,798
  • Razer-Synapse-Status-Retina.png
    776 bytes · Views: 4,736
  • Razer-Synapse-Status.png
    395 bytes · Views: 4,817
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macrumors newbie
May 11, 2011
I found that if you remove com.razer.rzupdater.plist from /Library/LaunchAgents then the updater (thus menubar icon) won't load, but the mouse will still work. You can't run the Synapse app though, so don't delete the plist - just move the file out of LaunchAgents so that you can move it back should you wish to make any changes (of course, you need to restart your computer for these changes to take effect).

It's a nice mouse, but Synapse has ensured that I'll never buy another Razer product ever again.
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