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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 12, 2009
Hi All,

Is there any way to re-order my Apple Pay cards on my Apple Watch, it's easy to do on my iPhone but can't see any way to do it on my Watch? Tried in the Apple Watch App and also on the device and can't seem to figure it out. I've set the default card so obviously that shows first, but I'd like the last card that I just added to show second (I have used all 8 card slots).

Thanks for any help, sorry if this has already been answered, I did a search and couldn't find any relevant results but there were hundreds of threads coming up lol :)

That's frustrating, so essentially only resolution is to delete cards and re-add them in the order you want? Anyone know if this is changed in WatchOS2?
Yea, this is ridiculous because adding / removing cards involves a security verification transaction with your bank - I doubt they'll be best pleased with people constantly adding and removing cards just to shuffle the order they appear in on your watch (and with various banks launching Apple Pay at different times you don't get to choose the order in which you add cards to your watch unless you are lucky enough to have all your cards with banks that have already launched Apple Pay at the time you start using it).

Apple should have thought about this one... especially since it's not a once only operation: each time your card expires you'll need to re-add the replacement card, and then re-shuffle the cards to get them back into the original order. I really hope this is fixed in watchOS soon!
Apple should have thought about this one... especially since it's not a once only operation: each time your card expires you'll need to re-add the replacement card, and then re-shuffle the cards to get them back into the original order. I really hope this is fixed in watchOS soon!

They already thought about it. Expired cards are updated automatically and no action is needed on your part. See
Thanks. That's very clever and is good news (your link was to a rumour, but I've checked out the UK bank Apple Pay FAQs and they agree that you don't need to update for expired cards).

However, they could at least still implement the relatively more simple task of allowing us to reorder the cards on the watch beyond the ability to just select which card is shown first, without having to remove and re-add the cards! ;-)
Hi All,

Is there any way to re-order my Apple Pay cards on my Apple Watch, it's easy to do on my iPhone but can't see any way to do it on my Watch? Tried in the Apple Watch App and also on the device and can't seem to figure it out. I've set the default card so obviously that shows first, but I'd like the last card that I just added to show second (I have used all 8 card slots).

Thanks for any help, sorry if this has already been answered, I did a search and couldn't find any relevant results but there were hundreds of threads coming up lol :)


Yes you can order cards.

You need to follow a few steps:
1) Set the card you want in third position as your default card
2) Set the card you want in second position as your default card
3) Set the card you want in first position as your default card
4) Done

Now you cards are ordered by the last default card position.
Basically the default card setting moves the cards up and pushes the last default card one position down
Yes you can order cards.

You need to follow a few steps:
1) Set the card you want in third position as your default card
2) Set the card you want in second position as your default card
3) Set the card you want in first position as your default card
4) Done

Now you cards are ordered by the last default card position.
Basically the default card setting moves the cards up and pushes the last default card one position down

Very clever it works.
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For me the default card option is missing, even with 3 cards. I already restarted my devices. :/

Edith says:
I was blind, there are just more options now.
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Setting a card as “default” moves it to the front. This can be done repeatedly to order your cards. First set as “default” the card you want last. Then do that again for the second to last, and so on, ending with the card you actually want first.
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