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Original poster
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
i thought this was a very good read.

if you dont mind reading take a look link

i think all of us using mac os x have become very impressed by the power of open source. interesting to see how ms is trying to attack it. reminds me of the arguments made by Lars. some people will try anything for the sake of greed. nice to see the rest of the world understands and wont let ms get away with it. now if only someone had shut up lars.

(i just wish the music industry would figure out what the software industry is figuring out already.)


macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2001
The games of today are mostly just like pop.

i just wish the music industry would figure out what the software industry is figuring out already

Overcharge for almost everything you're going to get a lot of use out of and releasing game after game that follows exactly the same formula with different eyecandy and backing music ?

Seriously, I think most of the pop music industry is inflicting as much boring done to death garbage as most of the games industry.

The charts are full of lame manufactured RnB, Rap and boy/girl band rubbish, rock has turned into a bunch of wussy so called "punk" music and "scream and chug" noise and most commercial dance music (excluding stuff like BT, Orbital, Moby the chemical brothers and most of the already established artists/DJs) is either formulaeic cheese or some kind of lame combination of drum n' bass and r n' b they actually dare to call "Garage". Well "UK garage" anyway.

As for the open source article, it's so obvious microsoft are scared of something they can't control and profit from, at least they can actually view the source code of anything they feel like ripping off instead of getting an army of programmers to copy features from scratch.


macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2001
No attack intended, it wasn't personal to you. unless you're lars :)

I read the article before I posted the message. It was very interesting, I even learned something about the law I didn't know. Reverse Engineering is legal in some circumstances ? I though that was just plain illegal myself.

Sorry if it sounded like an insult, It's just that I find most comparisons between music and software can look like both industries are as bad as each other in certain ways.

I'm sure few people like paying such a high cost for some commonly used software, I admit I havn't used many of the open source applications mentioned in the article, Mozilla is one I've been following the progress of in a long time. There's all kinds of open source projects in a lot of areas and as soon as more of it rivals commercial offerings in more areas, the sooner people will benefit from not only a larger selection of software but more new features instead of "me too" features.

The recent articles on the Adobe and Macromedia court battles were very much about the whole "me too" thing with software, they both make very good competing products, they both saw features in each other's software that they adapted themselves and they both sued each other.

I think for me the 2 open source applications that prove how well it works is Mozilla and MacMAME/MAME.

Again, I'm sorry if it came across as a personal insult or that it seemed I hadn't read the article, I just wrote the first thing I thought of relating to the article and your post about it.


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Nov 28, 2001
down in Fraggle Rock
well to reply specifically. i was responding to your response to my quote. my point was that software is moving towards open source. anyone using mac os x knows that you neednt pay for much, since all the best stuff is free or very cheap. the software community is embracing open source. the music industry on the other hand is attacking progress and change in the industry and shooting themselves in the foot because of it. its a shame. ms has tried forcing the software undustry back on the destructive path the music industry and their mindles spuppet lars have taken and the industry and the media has reacted very effectively to see through ms's lies. i find that refreshing.


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2002
good read
thanks I would've missed that

it really provides an excellent arguement for the GPL. MS likes to paint the image that the open source community will take over all software markets overnight and the world will come to a grinding hault. as his paper says, its not the GPL's responsability to create a stabile market; the GPL is just a scapegoat for big companies that have not recognized that their own failure is their own folly.
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