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Original poster
May 28, 2011
Williamsburg, Virginia
And I've already given up on the new keyboard and mouse. Just way too small for me and I never got used to the magic mouse. It's small and very poorly designed and not very ergonomic at all.
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I just did the same thing, I powered my way through the keyboard switch. Switched from the full-sized wired to the new one - it took me a week to not want to go back. The funny thing is that the letters are the same size as the full-size it was just the missing number pad that really messed with my head.

I agree 100% about the magic mouse - I bit the bullet and bought the new trackpad...still unsure if I prefer the old one to the new one. The new trackpad has some quirks.
Right now I'm using a full sized Macally wired keyboard and a wired Alienware mouse. Much much better and much more ergonomic than the others. I found that the mouse gestures on the magic mouse were way too easy to activate and my experience was all over the place with it, plus it being way too small for me.
I sort of prefer last gen's Apple Wireless Keyboard to the current one. The keys were higher and I found it easier to type on. Now that they're lower, typing seems more of a challenge. Even after a couple months I'm still not used to it.

As for the magic mouse, I bought a high end non-apple mouse instead of it. Thing's garbage, but it looks nice.
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Since I use a Macbook Pro much more than my Gaming Desktop, the Magic Keyboard is fine for me. As for the magic mouse 2, I use bettertouchtool and I enjoy using it (able to use a lot of gestures that I'm use to on my MBP trackpad)
I tried the new Magic Keyboard as well, and hated it. For starters, it does not have a numeric pad, and the key travel is laughable.

I have my wired Apple keyboard, and love it still.
I'm using a Logitech full size keyboard, I think it's the k800? Also using a fancy Logitech mouse. Just couldn't get used to the Apple keyboard and mouse. I needed more response from the keys, and more buttons to press on the mouse.
Also using a fancy Logitech mouse.
I'm using the Logitech G700s gaming mouse with my Mac. Even though I don't game, I love the quality of this mouse, and I can program keyboard commands to all the different buttons on the mouse. It's really great. It's one of their top of the line gaming mice.

I had the Logitech G5 before but when that died I was forced to get this new one.

I compared the g700s to the performance Mx (their top of the line non-gaming mouse), but I ended up going with the g700s.
The magic mouse is a little heavy for my use, but I also love the trackpad type features of it.
I changed also the wireless little keyboard with apple's full keyboard. It's a joke to have only one delete / backspace and every time that you don't want to use it, you have to press cmd or alt (I don't remember which one..)...

Also I changed the mouse with a NORMAL logitech mouse. I have tried the magical and the old with the ball on it but suck both !! I don't understand, this company can produce a fine computers, tablets and phones but no mouse !?!?!?!?

Also the logitech m500 is great with os x. It has configuration options, you have middle click (no gestures, no touches, no crap), you have left and right scrolling, two left side buttons and the ability to scroll slower or faster. It's fantastic. Apple's mice is even worse than Microsoft's...
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Opinions vary I guess. I like the Magic Mouse myself. For me its easy to use and responsive.
Me too, I use the mouse all the time, what I don't like is the keyboard. That's not getting used at all.

I am having a hard time with the keyboard too. I don't know what it is but I always type horribly wrong with it... Kind of miss the old one, but I really like that I can charge this one with the lightning cable, as well as being a bit more flat and subtle looking.

The trackpad on the other hand is amazing. Love the area. Large surface area + 3 finger drag = winner.
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I never use the mouse, simply because the magic trackpad is amazing. I do still use the full keyboard. It's not just the missing delete button, but I also run Windows on Parallels, and I need some keyboard shortcuts there that are only available on the numerical part. Sucks though, wish they updated that keyboard to a wireless magic keyboard.
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When I first switched over to the wireless keyboard & mouse when I bought my very first iMac, I was constantly battling the keyboard and mouse. Specially the keyboard, I was always striking the wrong letters, which is especially irritating when entering a password. However, after two to three weeks, I started to get use to both of them and I actually enjoy typing and using the mouse. I thought I would miss the numeric pad, but to my surprise I don't. Maybe if I was entering numbers all the time then maybe I would? Now the only problem is when I go to a large keyboard I start pressing the wrong keys once again. :D
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