I want a keyboard case for iPad Pro 10.5 that I can use on my lap. I am looking on Amazon but don't trust the reviews so I thought I would check here. Logitech Slim or one of the many options on Amazon?
I use the Brydge keyboard case for my IPad Pro 10.5. I love it!! Works well on my lap and typing is really good.
Really wish Belkin would have got their act together and launched a Qode keyboard for the 10.5.
I’ve used a Qode on my Air, Air 2 and now 9.7 Pro (even though the latter isnT officially listed, I found the Qode Ultimate Pro fitted, although speaker grilles only on one side of the backing “cradle”.
What I love about this keyboard case, is that it allows me to type in either landscape OR portrait modes, AND for reading with the iPad on the couch or in bed, it splits - I can remove the iPad in the backing part from the keyboard - without a second thought.
I emailed Belkin way back in June 17 to enquire if they any plans for bringing out a 10.5 version - I got a “we’d love to hear too” from them and to check their website for latest news. Hmm, how wouldn’t they know themselves? And not encouraging wen the latest news they are directing me to is about 18 months old.
There are loads of inexpensive bluetooth keyboards all over Amazon, but none have the key feature I’m looking for - [easily] removable back-case to allow the ipad to be picked-up, separately from the keyboard. Most allow you to remove the keyboard from the rest of the case - not really sure why you’d want/need to but we’re all different.
Begrudgingly, looks like I’m going to pick up an Apple keyboard. Good as the ASK are, I have never had an issue with battery life on any of the Belkin BT keyboards I’ve used so the smart-connector isn’t a big deal for me, but I don’t like the assymemtrical bump of the case when not in use.
no but i like the keyboard.Would you say it’s worth $140 ?
I’ve used a Qode on my Air, Air 2 and now 9.7 Pro (even though the latter isnT officially listed, I found the Qode Ultimate Pro fitted, although speaker grilles only on one side of the backing “cradle”.
Begrudgingly, looks like I’m going to pick up an Apple keyboard. Good as the ASK are, I have never had an issue with battery life on any of the Belkin BT keyboards I’ve used so the smart-connector isn’t a big deal for me, but I don’t like the assymemtrical bump of the case when not in use.
Just moved from the Air 2 to the 10.5 and I had the Belkin QODE Pro for the Air 2 and have the ASK for the 10.5. I also prefer the Belkin over the ASK - better overall feel and great functionality with the Belkin.