Hey guys,
so I ordered the new 27" Imac and was going to be doing some gaming and such on it.
I realized through testing that the magic mouse 2 isn't the best, and even the keyboard isn't the easiest thing to use. Anyone have recommendations for something that functions well and matches the style of the imac? Thanks!
Keyboards and mice are highly subjective. Some people actually
like the Magic Mouse - they're wrong, of course, but what can you do?

So the best advice has to be, if possible, find a store with a range on display and pick the ones you like the feel of.
If you're ordering from the Apple store, I'd take the opportunity of "upgrading" to the magic trackpad and new magic keyboard with num pad and giving them a go - its far cheaper than buying them new if they don't work for you you could probably sell them on and get your money back.
Personally, my preferred arrangement:
* Apple wired keyboard with num-pad - only nice external keyboard Apple has made this century (just discontinued, if you see one in stock grab it - virtually an investment!) - matches the iMac, of course.
* Logitech MX Master - one of the few decently chunky "ergonomic" mice still around - doesn't match the iMac but so what? Amaze Magic Mouse users by plugging it a USB cable to recharge
while continuing to use the mouse (and subsequently enjoying a week or two of wireless use because it got a full charge rather than a quickie top-up) - magical!
I'd like to give the new Magic Keyboard a go... the "butterfly" keyboards on the MBPs I've tried in the shop felt like something I could be converted to... possibly.