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macrumors newbie
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Aug 6, 2015
Hello Community,

I’m looking for an iMac that would be suitable for a preschooler going into kindergarten. The main purpose is for and other learning sites. I also want to introduce my child to a computer and become familiar with a keyboard and mice.

I’ve only onwened MacBooks and PCs, so I’m not really familiar with iMacs. Which older iMac would you recommend?


My experience with the grandkids is that a tablet is better in general. Some kids will have the patience and finger skills to type on a keyboard, but many aren't quite ready at that age.
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My experience with the grandkids is that a tablet is better in general. Some kids will have the patience and finger skills to type on a keyboard, but many aren't quite ready at that age.

Thanks. We have a tablet setup, but I wanted to introduce a computer and begin the familiarity with the mice and keyboard.
You might be better off with a Chromebook. I worked in schools for almost two years and the all but one went with Chromebooks for student use since they are cheaper and pretty simple to use. Most were cutting out iPad and PC/Mac use entirely since the Chromebooks are cheaper to buy and manage so you can get one in the hands of every kid instead of having labs or carts that have to be shared.
Whatever you get -- don't buy anything too expensive.
Kids are experts at breaking things!
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Hello Community,

I’m looking for an iMac that would be suitable for a preschooler going into kindergarten. The main purpose is for and other learning sites. I also want to introduce my child to a computer and become familiar with a keyboard and mice.

I’ve only onwened MacBooks and PCs, so I’m not really familiar with iMacs. Which older iMac would you recommend?


A base 21.5 inch iMac from the Apple refurbished store.
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One of the advantages of a mac mini is that i doesn't come with a apple keyboard, or an apple mouse, both of which are somewhat delicate. It aloso doesn't come with a delicate apple screen. And the whole computer can be tucked out of harms way.

kids will be kids, and accidents will happen.

if you choose a base model imac that can still run current os, might I suggest wireless headphones? you don't want to know what an errant yank can do to an imac. It doesn't just fall out of the socket...
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jerwin's suggestions above are very good.

Perhaps a base-model Mini (2018), with a rugged (i.e., NON-Apple) keyboard and mouse.
And a low-cost (or possibly second-hand) display?
jerwin's suggestions above are very good.

Perhaps a base-model Mini (2018), with a rugged (i.e., NON-Apple) keyboard and mouse.
And a low-cost (or possibly second-hand) display?

Sure. With all those wires the kid will hang himself. I've altered my recommendation to match that of #mripadmini above: based model 21.5 with SSD.
If you have a computer, then let them use it, from my experience as a parent, getting a computer for a kindergartener is over kill. My kids didn't really didn't start using computers for school related stuff until 4th grade and while they did use it before hand, it wasn't much especially at such a young age.

Also, at 5 years they are still developing their coordination and motor skills. Using a keyboard and mouse is going to be rudimentary at best. I think there are better tools that don't require them sitting in front of computer to learn, just my $.02
Hello Community,

I’m looking for an iMac that would be suitable for a preschooler going into kindergarten. The main purpose is for and other learning sites. I also want to introduce my child to a computer and become familiar with a keyboard and mice.

I’ve only onwened MacBooks and PCs, so I’m not really familiar with iMacs. Which older iMac would you recommend?


Buy your kid a ball and turn him loose in the yard.
My boy who is now 6 actually started on a computer at school when he was 4! He’s now figured out my iPad and knows how to load apps and play his games. The kids spend several days a week in a computer lab. He’s got a good handle on a keyboard and mouse already.

They’re much farther ahead than you would expect!

Go with a used iMac for your kid -
eBay, kijiii, Facebook marketplace - people are always selling iMacs.
My 6 year old has daily homework assigned to do on the computer. The site is called Mathletics and she is using the keyboard and mouse.
As it is a website she could use any computer that has an up to date browser.
Both my kids started using iMacs at the kindergarden level. They both have early 2009 24” iMacs with the discrete graphics and top spec CPUs with 8gb of RAM (max for that model). Running El Capitan, the specs of these computers are just enough to do basic web browsing tasks, get emails and messages, and run youtube. These can be bought on craigslist for under $100 each if you’re patient.

No need to spend near $1000 on a computer for a 6 year old. Get them something second hand and basic, and if they show more interest later on in life (middle school or so), then maybe get them something newer and more capable.
I'd second the recommendations for a Mac Mini and recommend the 2012 model. You can upgrade the ram and hard drives somewhat easily. You can get a very capable machine with 16 Gb of ram and a ssd for a pretty reasonable price and running the latest Mojave os. I've seen these models going for under $300 around me. Maybe something to consider.
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depends on the budget. I would recommend a 2008 24" iMac, with an SSD installed. I bought a maxed out one for around $350 a few years ago and it flies ever since. The screen is nice and big and with the GeForce 8800 it even handles most games.
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