Does the DVR function in the silicone dust beta work on Apple TV?
This is how I use the SiliconDust "HDHomeRun DVR - Beta" with my Apple TV while waiting for the Channels Integrated Solution.
1. I run the DVR Server on a WDMyCloud NAS. Could also be run on a Mac or Windows Machine or others to do the recordings.
2. The Mac Client does not interface with the DVR so you have to use a Kodi App + the HDHomeRun Plug in to "manage" the recordings. They have announced an upgrade to the Mac Client to removed the need for Kodi but not yet. But in any case that would be limited. They also have a Windows 10 Client which seem to be pretty far along but I do not use Windows.
3. #1,2 does a "pretty" good job creating the recordings. Which can be played back with multiple options.
4. I use the MrMC (kodi) App on the Apple TV 4 to playback the Recordings created on the DVR Server via a SMB Share.
Again, the Channels App will replace #2 and #4 above. I am assuming it will be very nice because the Live TV App is the best I have seen. Worth checking out at "".
If you are a Android Person there are other options as well.
The idea behind the Silicondust DVR is that it runs on a number of server options. I like the NAS Option (and it supports many NAS Type Devices) so that I can use the Apple TV as my only box connect to all 8 of my TV's. And others can use their Server and Client of Choice.