I want to use Siri's voice as my voicemail box message when people call me. Is there a way to save it to a sound file or something so I can try this http://www.iphonealley.com/tips/use-any-audio-file-as-a-custom-voicemail-message ?
Was hoping to avoid recording from a analog source and get a digital save from a desktop text-to-speech application or something that uses the Siri voice profile.
or something like this http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php
Yeah - I wouldn't obsess over the fidelity of a recording that will already get transcoded on the server and then deployed over cellular devices. Not to mention Siri's voice is already low fidelity. Anal retentive much?
If not i guess ill have to send myself a txt msg and have it read to me.
yea but if i can find a way to output a sound file by typing in the text phrase to application, it would be much easier to generate more later or for other purposes.
btw: anyone know how to get siri to say a phrase i typed up in notes or selected? If not i guess ill have to send myself a txt msg and have it read to me.
You can use the text to speech function on a mac(set it to Samantha, aka Siri), have it say whatever you want, and record it using sound flower (or equivalent)Was hoping to avoid recording from a analog source and get a digital save from a desktop text-to-speech application or something that uses the Siri voice profile.
or something like this http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php
Isn't that the American voice thought?