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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 9, 2021
Hi guys,
Can anyone help?
My father has changed his password on his Macbook Pro and has no idea to what aghhhhhhh
I have created a Recovery Key for him on another suitable device that is 28 digits long.
His Macbook Pro in Recovery mode will only accept 24 digits before stopping.
I'm at my wits end trying to sort it out, I'm sure I'm being thick.
Thank you
If he had the box ticked that allowed his Apple ID to change the password, he can reset the password using his Apple ID.
The only option at starting it is to use the Recovery Key, but the one generated is 28 digits and the Macbook Pro wiill only accept 24
Time for a visit to the nearest Apple Store genius bar, to see if they can get it sorted out.
IMPORTANT: Does your father have a "proof of purchase"?
(paper document of some sort)...
They -might- ask for that...

One other thing:
Tell your father that from now on, DON'T change or enter a password UNLESS he writes it down on paper FIRST...
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