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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 19, 2017
Ontario, Canada
I am trying to clear this item when in my Apple TV and when I select the User and Accounts Tab the next screen does now show anything related to the Red Circle #1 in the previous screen. My Apple TV is set for autodates. Any ideas what this is, thankyou.
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Can you provide a screenshot?

Unless of course you’re meaning this?

For me it was my US account:

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Yeah as @-Gonzo- said, without a screenshot or better description, it is very hard for any of us to help you.

Provide a screenshot and I bet someone here will get you all squared away!

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Anyone find a solution because I have had it for a while and can’t figure out what they want me to do.
I had this red circle prior to activating two-factor-authentication. Try to activate it for Your Apple ID.
For the past few days I've had this problem on my Mac, running Ventura, so I think it's iCloud related rather than tvOS

On the Mac, I also get notifications from time to time and I've attempted to update my Apple ID settings, ending up in a loop that probably terminates just the other side of the end of eternity.

My Apple ID is fine, I checked all of that.

I've never used iCloud either...
You have an AppleID = you are using iCloud.

I have no data there, no photos, no music, no apps, no files, no sharing of any data with any other device.

No use of apple mail or messages, no HomeKit, no private relay, no hide my email, and so on.

And so on.

Nor have I ever placed any of the above there.

Doesn't feel like 'using' it to me...
I have no data there, no photos, no music, no apps, no files, no sharing of any data with any other device.

No use of apple mail or messages, no HomeKit, no private relay, no hide my email, and so on.

And so on.

Nor have I ever placed any of the above there.

Doesn't feel like 'using' it to me...
If you have a registered device under your Apple ID, you are using iCloud.
To my mind this discussion about what is or isn't meant by using 'iCloud' is going off topic....

Fact is, on Ventura
1. Below the Apple logo in the menu bar, I'm told there is an update when there isn't
2. Like the OP I get a red circle containing '1' in settings, exception my case its against 'Update Apple ID Setting' in the left hand menu of System Settings
3. Alongside that I get the following


4. If I click continue, I'm asked to enter my AppleID and Password, which I do correctly
5. Nothing changes; I can loop around here until after the end of eternity

Logging out of my Apple ID, rebooting and logging in again changes nothing.

To my mind this discussion about what is or isn't meant by using 'iCloud' is going off topic....

Fact is, on Ventura
1. Below the Apple logo in the menu bar, I'm told there is an update when there isn't
2. Like the OP I get a red circle containing '1' in settings, exception my case its against 'Update Apple ID Setting' in the left hand menu of System Settings
3. Alongside that I get the following

View attachment 2133788
4. If I click continue, I'm asked to enter my AppleID and Password, which I do correctly
5. Nothing changes; I can loop around here until after the end of eternity

Logging out of my Apple ID, rebooting and logging in again changes nothing.

I've seen this too, awhile ago, after a Apple ID account password change I think. I think it went away after logging into iCloud.
Managed to get it to go away; checked everything to do with iCloud was off, disabled...

Not quite two weeks later, its back and System settings shows the Photo apps use of cloud is turned on (not by me and on this machine I've never even opened the app).
Hey guys! I’ve been having this same issue on my Apple TV for the past few weeks, and I just figured it out! My original issue looked exactly like @-Gonzo- first screenshot, but when I clicked on it, it did not specify what I needed to adjust/fix, as it did for him in his second screenshot.

But this is what I did and hopefully it can help some of you guys too! So beginning of the year, I had to get a new phone, and the iPhone 14 pro max works much differently with Apple TV than previous phones did (and I imagine other Apple devices as well). Apparently when I upgraded my new phone, it signed me out of Apple TV, then prompting me to sign in again- only now, I realized that, when it did that, it automatically added my Apple ID to *Additional Users*, instead of as the Default User. To get there, it is under Settings > Users and Accounts (which is where the red circled 1 ⭕ was). Thus, there was no Default User. I tried add myself as the Default, but since I was already listed as an additional user, it would not allow it.

The only thing left for me to do was to click on
Users and Accounts > Additional Users, then > sign out of my Apple ID under all three… being:
> iCloud, > then Store, > and lastly Game Center, where it will tell you that by signing out, you will effectively be removing your Apple ID from Apple TV > click OK. Give it a second.
Then I went back up to Default User, and I entered my Apple ID password when prompted. The iPhone 14 pretty much does everything for you at that point, just by holding it near the Apple TV, so some of you will have to make sure to add your Apple ID and password to the store, iCloud and Game Center, if you use them all… My phone automatically signs me into all of them.
Next, click Menu/Back (going back into general Settings for Apple TV) > then click System > click Restart. Apple TV will restart, so give it a second. And then when it came back on for me, everything was all good again and set up correctly, WITHOUT the red circled 1! Yay! :) And when you’re set up, you’ll be able to click on Default User, and look at the items on the list there, and make adjustments, if you wish, which you’re not able to do, if your account is merely an *Additional User*.
Ok, well, I so do hope this reaches some of you guys who are having the Apple TV issue, like I was… Perhaps even our original poster, here, @MacBookpro2011 ;)
Apologies this is lengthy and if I didn’t frame this the correct way. I’m not a techie person and have never posted about this kinda thing before (or anything publicly until this)- mostly because I’ve never been the one with any answers, ha! But I always really appreciate all of you who make the effort to help everyone else with troubleshooting like this. I’m usually one of the people putting your solutions to the test, lol- I just figured I’d try to give back a tiny bit for once, since I saw how recently some of you posted about this. So if any of you guys are [still] having this issue, fingers crossed this will do the trick! 🤞🏻 Best of luck and Happy New Year to all! 🍀🎉🙃
I am trying to clear this item when in my Apple TV and when I select the User and Accounts Tab the next screen does now show anything related to the Red Circle #1 in the previous screen. My Apple TV is set for autodates. Any ideas what this is, thankyou.
Hi there! I’m not sure if you ever got it figured out, but I just stumbled across this website earlier today, and then happened to figure it out a couple hours later, so I just posted how I fixed it on my end. If you’re still dealing with it, hopefully it helps you! :)
@MacBookpro2011 I was experiencing the same thing. 🔴 1 showing up, but clicking in, no items were requiring action.

Mine was caused by a recent AppleID password change, that required me to login to all of my devices again with my updated password. After logging in, I kept seeing this notification above and was confused why it wouldn’t go away.

I resolved it this way:

1. Goto Settings > Users and Accounts
2. Under “Default User”, click into account
3. Scroll to bottom and click: “Remove User from Apple TV”
- Confirm and let account wipe away
- note: won’t mess up HomeKit and keeps associated to Home
4. Re-add yourself as Default User
5. Follow prompts on iPhone / or manually to sign in
6. Default User will be re-added, without the red dot 🔴 with no action item.

Notes: you may have to turn back on Photos etc for the default user and restore any app store settings. Do this from Settings > Users and Accounts > Default User

You will also have to switch profiles back to the default user potentially, as user will switch upon deletion to any secondary user.
I ran into this today also and followed the instructions on the February 24 poster nature minded and it fixed it. Must be related to my changed Apple ID. Thanks!
I had the same problem. Entering the user settings (for me it was the default user) and logging out of iCloud and App store, doing a restart, and logging in again fixed it for me.
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