A redesign would be great.
*cough* new keyboard, no T2 *cough*
This may stand a chance, I just thought about it and it was in 2015 with the first MacBook that they introduced the butterfly keyboard, it then trickled down to the MacBook Pro and more recently the MacBook Air.
Yeah, my train of thought too. Of the three platforms it's the one that's the most due I believe, so maybe we'll see something interesting.
I hope its aimed at entry level and those that are torn between the IPP and the rMB and not muddled by MBA or 13" MBP pricing as on paper specs alone its hard to justify otherwise
And I hope they correspondingly increase the price to a reasonable level to incorporate said technology.
You know that any time you want you can just pay above the retail price. Just go up to Apple and say "$1,899? Just make it an even $3k Apple" and I'm sure they will find a way to make that work for you.