I get it OP, I worry about this too sometimes. However, iOS cannot be controlled remotely and it's highly unlikely that your wifi traffic will be intercepted unless you're a very important person on some govt agency's list. I've never been remotely hacked but I did have an ex-roommate install spyware on my computer once, and ever since then I have refused to let anyone else touch my devices and I regularly do security check-ups. I felt like an idiot afterward b/c he did it while I was sitting right there, but this was before I'd spent years in IT learning about stuff like this. The way it happened was so stupid too- one night I needed the communal netflix password and he said something like "it's too long and complex to type in, I have it stored on a thumb drive". He plugged it in and a CMD window popped up then disappeared right away, and he was "in". I only figured out what happened when he started casually bringing up very specific things I'd only spoken about privately with my then-boyfriend over messenger, there was no way he would have known about those things otherwise.
But anyway, enough of my stories. I just wanted to say getting hacked a fair thing to worry about nowadays but it's highly unlikely to happen to average users. Unless you're frequently in the presence of bad actors with physical access to your devices or you piss off Mr. Robot, you're fine.