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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 25, 2011
I run Aperture with referenced masters, and I have the annoying scenario where I have multiple masters on my HDD, but only one record in my Aperture library, often caused if Aperture crashes out during an import.

I've identified all these duplicates using Duplicate Detective, but how do I know which files to remove? If I remove the wrong file can I just reconnect to the version I leave behind?
Dose it identify the path of the duplicates files? You may refer to the path to determine delete which one:)
Dose it identify the path of the duplicates files? You may refer to the path to determine delete which one:)
It gives me the paths for all of them, but i have 4 files in the same location, with identical names save for (1), (2) and (3) at the end.

I guess though, on the premise that they are all identical, I can delete any 3 of the 4 and simply link to the 'master' being whichever one is left!?!?
I had a cunning idea.... I'm using Aperture to relocate the masters to a new drive, so this will leave behind any duplicate files that aren't being managed by the library!
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