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macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 17, 2017
I've noticed this quirky behavior for the rich text editor in the forum software. The "Remove formatting" button
Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 1.48.07 PM.png
removes bold, italics, underline, strike-through, font color, font family, and font size, but does NOT remove paragraph formatting (e.g. Heading 1), list formatting (e.g. unordered list), or text alignment. So, for example, if I selected the entire line of text below to highlight it, then clicked the "Remove formatting button," nothing would happen. I would have to either remove those three formats one by one using those individual settings ("List," "Alignment," and "Paragraph format"). Or click the "Toggle BB code" button to manually delete the coded formatting.
  • Example formatted text​

In my experience, with most software that text editing functionality, the "Remove formatting" function removes ALL formatting. It's just annoying when I copy/paste text from the web to a forum post, that I can't simply strip all imported formatting with a button press like I can with MS Word, etc. But I'm guessing this is just a quirk with the forum software that the admins here have no control over. But if I'm missing something, let me know!
XenForo/Froala have said this is intentional and not a bug:

And yeah, we don't have any control over that functionality.

Pretty odd design choice then. I don't see why an online rich text editor would be designed to behave inconsistently to industry-standard editors such as MS Word.

Thanks for your reply!
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