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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 29, 2017
Have an office 365 install, I only really use Outlook and Word and would like to remove the other components. Should I just drag them to the trash? What about support files? This seems kind of messy that would cause issues with my other office components, no?
Best way would be to completely uninstall, then reinstall <only> this apps you want to use, that way you should get anything you need (inc any shared stuff), and not get anything you don't. But the is Msft we are talking about.
I wonder if my settings, fonts, folders will be restored if export a .olm file?
Microsoft has instructions for completely uninstalling Office 365 on their website.

I'd follow them and leave the Word and Outlook apps in place.
For the library files, since you want to keep Outlook and Word I'd only remove:

That's what i'd do too, but Microsoft isn't exactly any other developer here, so who know where else they have office files..

I'd be also looking in Caches, Containers, Application support, Presences (which the above will be) - (home folder), Receipts - (root), and perhaps Application Scripts (home folder) and login items

Really the only way is never install those apps in the first place, but u probably can't get rid of all of the files if their deeply rooted in the system anyway.

If your gonna remove u may as well do it right and clear out the small bits and pieces too.
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