Wowwwwww. How about iKnowThey’reNotGoingToRebrandTheiPhone?iKnowThey'reNotGoingToRebrandTheiPhone.
Perhaps that might be.Maybe it has to be a cultural thing - when will the term "phone" be considered irrelevant? Smartphone users apparently use the camera function more than the phone. Or will it stay a phone regardless?
Apple isn't going to rename the iPhone. It is too iconic.
The iPhone is one of the world's most successful marketed products. Apple's not changing the name.
A few tech vloggers have suggested iPhone Air aka non-pro iPhone, and then iPhone Pro and iPhone Pro Max. The SE model would stay the same. The naming convention would align with other Apple product lines.
Well…Datsun->Nissan.No way they’ll ever change the name iPhone. Such a huge brand name. Toyota Camry. Honda Accord. Ford Mustang. Ford F-150. Been years. Again no name change required for iPhone.
I think the current naming system is going to stop working after about 20. I mean, is Apple seriously going to release an iPhone 37 someday? An iPhone 43? An iPhone 68??
Apple could keep the “iPhone” name but at some point they are either going to have to use years (like iPhone 2021) or come up with something else.
Wetware - screen displayed on your retinas and sound piped directly into your brain.Maybe we won’t need a phone in the future LoL
Apple could keep the “iPhone” name but at some point they are either going to have to use years (like iPhone 2021) or come up with something else.